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Thread: The Association is Alive!

  1. #1
    Tanta K Guest

    Default The Association is Alive!

    Yes, we make great Maple Syrup in Connecticut! We who care to join and help each other out, are known as MSPAC (some say it like Mashpack) and we have a website, www.ctmaple.org Tell us if you're sugrain' in CT and if you have questions and I'll spread the word that help is out there by way of this forum and see if I can get you some answers to those sticky questions!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    northfield, CT


    yea i was glad to see we finaly were added to the list of forums for state maple associations! dont know why we were left out for so long, maybe just every other state asked and we forgot to? but regardless we are here now!
    11x29 sugarhouse
    2x8 airtight arch homemade with waterloo flue pan, welded syrup pan and parallel flow preheater hood
    250gph cdl ro
    1100+ taps for 2014, approx 1000 of them vac

  3. #3
    Tanta K Guest

    Default CT Maple

    I was asked at the January meeting at Sessions Woods to get us on here, so I added us. Us being MSPAC. I have added the link to Maple Trader.com onto our website, ctmaple.org and hope others who Sugar in CT will share and help each other out.

    Cowhill as in Cowhill Rd. Clinton?

  4. #4
    Tanta K Guest

    Default Tap, Tap, Wait

    Sorry I misread that last one, CROW hill, not COW. Anyway, snow day today, no school, no field trips, no sugaring. Think I'll change out some photos on the CT Maple Website so it doesn't get boring. During sugaring program yesterday when I asked "Where does your food come from?" a student responded, "Peapod!" Guess I've got some more teaching to do!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Ashford, CT

    Default Peapod!?!?

    That sounds like Hamden / Cheshire. I was born and raised in Hamden, played softball, skied on the rope tow, and skated at Brooksvale Park for many many years. Good to see some mapleing going on there!
    1977 F250 sap hauler, 1948 Farmall Cub tool carrier, 500 tap sugar bush currently being thinned, hope to be in full operation February 2010.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    northfield, CT


    Quote Originally Posted by Tanta K View Post
    Sorry I misread that last one, CROW hill, not COW. Anyway, snow day today, no school, no field trips, no sugaring. Think I'll change out some photos on the CT Maple Website so it doesn't get boring. During sugaring program yesterday when I asked "Where does your food come from?" a student responded, "Peapod!" Guess I've got some more teaching to do!
    yea its funny the name crowhill was something that i guess the old timers called the area years ago, never realy heard it used but my father talked of an old farmer that said the old timers he knew refered to the area as crowhill cause the crows would sit along the ridge, probably going back 150 years or more! but we used the name just as something different. but its funny how many folks misread it, alot think its crownhill, and one other person too thought it was cowhill like you! but anyhow its in northfield ct, mason hill rd which is right on the border of thomaston
    11x29 sugarhouse
    2x8 airtight arch homemade with waterloo flue pan, welded syrup pan and parallel flow preheater hood
    250gph cdl ro
    1100+ taps for 2014, approx 1000 of them vac

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Ansonia, Connecticut


    Hi tanta,

    Yeah,Im glad CT is connected to MapleTrader.com
    Great group these folks at Mapletrader. I owe them a debt of gratitude for helping me get my little sugarin' operation going. This will be my 2nd year tappin in Ansonia CT.

    I have a relative in Chaplin CT who runs Bats in Bedlam Sugar House whose an active member with the CT producers. I have yet to join but I will definitely become a member.
    12 taps for 2009.
    30+ for 2010.
    30+ for 2011.
    2012- Still holding around 30+ with no help in sight.
    2013-Still a loner but what a Fantastic yielding year
    2014- Forever a loner
    2017-Still here, after trying to kick the habit.
    Down to 15-20 taps with the intent to save my marriage.

    Sap Haulers- Kids NADA, I tried but I'm on my own.
    Buckets and Sap Saks, 4 steam pans, Block Evaporator, and single burner propane for finishing.


  8. #8
    Tanta K Guest

    Default Valley Girl

    Valleyman...I grew up in Seymour. I'm sure my teachers there never would have guessed I'd grow up to be a sugarmaker too! Bats of Bedlam...I put photos of that place on the MCPAC website!

    Logscaler...the park is great! A hidden gem. My mother grew up in Hamden, my Uncles remember the ski rope, I do not. I do however remember skating a lot on the pond as a child and when in high school. I skated a few times this year already and usually skate a bit in between boils or when all my sap is frozen.

    It's our 10th year doing the Maple Sugaring program and it grows each year. Started with 4th grade kids, now we teach all ages! Though we don't make the syrup in high volume, what we do make money wise all goes back into the educational programs.

    www.brooksvale.blogspot.com for more about us....have a great weekend!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Default ct producers

    just checking in as a ct producer. been sugarin for about 4 yrs now and i just joined this year. great bunch of people in the association, and always helpful and welcoming to us new members.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    northfield, CT


    Quote Originally Posted by ctjim View Post
    just checking in as a ct producer. been sugarin for about 4 yrs now and i just joined this year. great bunch of people in the association, and always helpful and welcoming to us new members.
    yea thats one thing i have noticed about sugaring in general, not just the association, is there is very little snobbery among sugarmakers, the guy with 4000 taps on vac is just as interested in talkin sugarin with the guy boiling 12 taps on a cement block arch. seems many other simular operations the big guy cant lower his nose far enough to see the little guy
    11x29 sugarhouse
    2x8 airtight arch homemade with waterloo flue pan, welded syrup pan and parallel flow preheater hood
    250gph cdl ro
    1100+ taps for 2014, approx 1000 of them vac

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