i know this is a chevy vs. ford question but what do you think is the best saw, and why do you think so, i own a husky and a stihl my self and like both for their own reasons. the stihl is a small saw (its a 026) it revs a little higher than the husky and always starts ( it takes about 8 pulls though) its a light saw and it works well, the thing i dont like about it is its rubber handle shock mechanism so when you pull up on the handle there is some "give" to it, mine rotted out and broke the bottom piece of my handle, i also have a husky 61 i cant complain about it its a dependable saw, the only thing i dont like is that it has almost no power if you are using the top of the bar to cut with (like under cutting a limb) these are both older saws, my moms boyfriend has always been a stihl man he goes through 1 ever year to year and a half, (poor maintenece has a little to do with it) ive run his saws and dont really like the new stihls unless you get into the BIG stihl saws, which seem to be dependable and rugged but alittle to big for me, i feel its the same with the new huskies, only certain models are good rugged machines. (262,357xp,372xp etc.)
im looking at buying a 372xp after sugaring season ( i can afford it then) im not a big kid and some people think its a big saw for me but i ran one for about 3 hrs and had no trouble, so im going to buy one ive heard good things about them exept for their price - $700 but what does every one on the trader like? iwould like to know so that i can buy the right saw for me....