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Thread: Grading School

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Cabot Vermont

    Default Grading School

    I went to Grading school in Berlin Vt. It was put on by The University of Maine, The University of Vermont Extension and the VMSA. I did learn that all brass even lead free is not legal in Vt. I learned the hannah tester can be off 4 points in any direction. I got to taste alot of different maple syrups. I learned alot of syrup that I send to packers is ok to go into jugs, not that I would. I also learned that if you have mold on maple syrup you are to dump it, not skim it and reboil and filter it because there is still mold spores in the syrup. I don't know what this means for the packers. The main reason I went was to make sure that i was grading our syrup correctly and to make sure the rules were still the same as I was taught. I got to say it was a good class that covered alot of ground with alot of input from other sugarmakers I wondered how they were going to make a grade school last from 8:30-4:30, well I believe it was closer to 5:00 before we got out of there. The time went by fast. It was well worth the 75.00 dollars.
    Blaisdell's Maple Farm
    started on a 2x2 pan in 2000 with Gramps buckets
    custom built oil fired 4x12 arch by me
    Thor pans Desinged by Thad Blaisdell
    4500 taps on a drop flue 8-4 split

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2023


    That sounds interesting. I wish there was something like that near me in Michigan.
    2021 - First year: 4 taps; Tapped too late; 4.5 gallons of sap
    2022 - 11 taps; 20 gallons of sap
    2023 - 23 taps. 3 gallons of syrup; founded TruNorth Maple Co.
    2024 - 26 (+10) taps; 4.5 gallons of syrup; added RO filter
    2025 - 40 taps; Added lines;

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