lost it again, sometimes clicking 'advanced' will get it to look normal again
lost it again, sometimes clicking 'advanced' will get it to look normal again
New update last week on IPhone screwed up viewing of this forum. I now have to use DuckDuckGo instead of Safari to view the forum properly.
Sugaring for 45+ years
New Sugarhouse 14'x32'
New to Me Algier 2'x8' wood fired evaporator
2022 added a used RB25 RO Bucket
250 mostly Sugar Maples, 15% Soft Maples. Currently,(110on 3/16" and 125 on Shurflo 4008 vacuum, 15 gravity), (16,000 before being disabled)
1947 Farmall H and Wagon with gathering tank
2012 Kubota with forks to move wood around
My latest fix was to go in my computer and delete all cookies from mapletrader, let it start over. Working normal now for 3 or 4 days.
As a workaround for Chrome or Edge browser, you could try changing the setting for "Insecure Content" for just the mapletrader.com site from "Block" to "Allow".
This can be done in Chrome by clicking on the 3 dots in the upper right and clicking Settings -> Privacy and security -> Site Setting -> View permissions and data stored across sites -> search for mapletrader.com.
For each entry listed under mapletrader.com, find "Insecure content" under Permissions and set to "Allow".
This can also be done in Edge but the steps are a little different. You should be able to figure it out following the steps for Chrome listed above.
Log in with Http://mapletrader.com/community/ (non-secure log-in). Chrome don't like the website with secure log-in
1st year tapped 5 trees, boiled in pans on rock fire - really smokey taste
2021 - 20 taps - 4 Gal on barrel stove and pans
2022 - 9.1 Gal - 41 taps this year. 14 + 7 on 3/16" gravity vacuum. 20 in buckets/bags. DIY RO system - 2/3 water gone - amazing.
2023 - 59 taps: 25 on 3/16" vacuum line/pump, 30 on 3/16" natural vacuum, 4 on bags. New 2x3 Badgerland pan anxious to try.