I pulled the taps today, except for two trees, both of which are still chugging out small amounts of slightly cloudy but still good syrup. Pity cause I've already finished off Batch #4, another Dark batch but with a much lighter taste than I am used to - like marshmallow AND molasses! #4 surprised me with a very generous 2.5 l of syrup cooling its heels in the fridge; it and #3 are both awaiting the arrival of a few dozen Mason jar collars, as I am completely out! Meant to arrive tomorrow, then I can hotpack and post final figures.

Overall I only had a season of 28 days with about 9 of those days non-producing. I kept # of taps n trees low this year. May be back up to full steam next year; as I culled tree #6 (slow healer, not been producing well but otherwise healthy) I may have to give all the bush maples 2 taps each. They are big enough, but I've been holding off.