Red Maple healed tap holes or no sap flow?
My reds have barely produced any sap over the past week, but I'm not sure if it's due to the holes healing from the February warm-up, or they've just shut off for the season. They are on a vacuum pump. There are a few red flower buds appearing in the upper tree canopy. Weather forecast looks good for sap flow over the next week. Thinking about retapping to see if I can produce a little more this week to salvage this unusual season. Some of these trees are not very healthy and will likely be culled before next season. I'd appreciate any advice or suggestions.
Last edited by Openwater; 03-11-2023 at 09:21 AM.
2020 - 1st year - 13 black walnut taps - 4 bottles syrup
2021 - 50 taps, 22 black walnuts/28 red maples - 4 gallons syrup
2022 - 54 taps, 11 black walnuts/41 red maples, 20 on solar shurflo vacuum - 8.5 gallons syrup
2023 - 47 taps on 45 red maples, 43 on solar shurflo vacuum