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Thread: 2023 season

  1. #71
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Aitkin, MN


    Had been the worst year ever (2 g sap/tap), but that has turned around - collecting again tomorrow, could bring the year up to 5g per tap ..... Total 84 taps. NW corner of MIlle Lacs.

  2. #72
    Join Date
    Feb 2017


    Excellent! I was wondering how those of you who were still going were doing. My decision to pull taps proved to be a good decision for me as I would be flooded out the entire time from the Rum. zThen my sump went out so I have been busy pulling carpet matting and moving fans. Caught it earlier than later but did enough. Glad to hear you are being rewarded for your efforts!

  3. #73
    Join Date
    Feb 2021
    Milaca, MN


    Quote Originally Posted by Keitha333 View Post
    Excellent! I was wondering how those of you who were still going were doing. My decision to pull taps proved to be a good decision for me as I would be flooded out the entire time from the Rum.
    Rum receded off my flood plain today. Bluff trees have been producing, not yet buddy. Trees still all over the place on output, low sugar. Very grumpy. One more boil Tuesday and I'm calling it.

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