I set 35 taps in northern NH and boil down on a Smoky Lake 2'X4' flat bottom pan that is divided. Nice little rig for # of taps. Because my sugar house is not close enough for water and power I try to bring it close to syrup and finish it in the house on an electric cooktop. I use a digital thermometer and hydrometer to finish. I test the thermometer in boiling water prior and because I'm 1100 feet above sea level I expect the thermometer to show water boiling at 210 degrees. One degree less for each 500 feet of elevation. And it's accurate and shows water boiling at 210 degrees. I would then expect to be close to syrup at approx 217-218 degrees, but that is not the case. I cannot get the hydrometer to float at the hot line unless I'm at a strong 220 degrees. I fill the hydrometer cup right out of the kettle and it's very close to the 211, maybe slightly less.
Maybe I'm splitting hairs here but it seems that I need to be well above the 7 degrees. Just wondered if anyone has experienced similar issues
thanks Tim