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Thread: Drop lines into bucket

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2021
    Se Michigan

    Default Drop lines into bucket

    Last year was my first year. Nothing big just something to do with the kids. I used buckets and bags. Liked the bags. But this year my Aunt said I could tap her two huge silver maples (40inch diameters). I've tapped each with 3, 5/16 spiles and used tubing all into a 5 gallon bucket, one bucket at each tree. Now the ground is nowhere level near these buckets range in length each from 3-7 feet. The sap just seems to sit in two of the tubes and not empty. One tree isn't even running. I also noticed leaking around the bottom of two spiles. Any thoughts or advice? Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Rutland, Vermont


    Leaking around the tap is common if you just put it out. It should dry up if seated properly. As far as sap sitting in the line, is the sap running in your area? Temps above freezing? When those silver maples let loose it's going to have no problem going down the tubing.
    CDL 2.5*8 Venturi with all the bells
    Leader Clear 5 bank filter press
    Memprotec 350H RO
    600ish taps and looking for more.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Northern Michigan


    Sap will remain in the lines, even when the flow is good because the bubble of sap creates a small amount of vacuum that holds it in the tubing for a limited amount of time. Just try to keep the lines from sagging and it will minimize the time the sap is in the tubing. Still been a bit to cold for sap to really start flowing, even where you are located.
    16' X 24' Sugarhouse
    2' X 6' Leader Inferno Arch with Revolution Raised-Flue Pans, Smoky Lake preheater and hood
    Deer Run Maple gas-powered 250 RO
    WesFab 7" filter press
    Kubota 1100 RTV with tracks and 125 gallon tank for transporting sap
    800 taps on gravity and vacuum
    Very supportive wife who is the best coworker

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    Nashville, MI


    It is still early. Some silvers are finicky about giving up the sap too. I had one like that. Yet the other one would produce gallons.
    2004 - 2012 2x3 flat pan 25 to 60 taps
    2012 2x3 new divided pan w/draw off 55 taps
    2018 - didn't boil surgery - bought new evaporator
    2019 new SML 2x4 raised flue high output evap. 65 taps
    made 17 gal. syrup
    2020 - only put out 53 taps - made 16.25 ga.l syrup
    2021 - Didn't work out
    2022 - 25 taps on bags / 8 taps on 3/16's line - late start

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2021
    Se Michigan


    Thanks for the replies. I appreciate the information. Still a newbie but so much knowledge and help on here.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Tolland, Ct


    Also, different issue, but make sure the tubing does not go down into the sap in the bucket. The tree can actually suck it back up.
    2020 - 1st year - 14 taps 1 Gallon Jugs + 4x 5-Gallon Buckets + Propane Grill + lots of headaches
    2021 - 2nd year - 19 Taps (and some free sap from a friend in the same town!) 145 or so OZ
    2022 - 3rd year - 46 taps (3 at home, 2 at neighbors, 38 at friends, and 3 at work) added ROBucket RB10, and Silver Creek 18x34x6 Divided Maple Syrup Pan w/warming Pan+Valve+Thermometer 6 Gallons 6 OZ!
    2023 And we grow some more... Starting with OldPostMaple.com!

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