Maple is like a black hole of improvements year to year that you just keep dumping money into. pumps, releasers, RO's, filters adding on to buildings for more space... then just when you get everything going good something burns out or breaks, or its time to replace something. every year its something. some of my tubing is rated for 5 years which I installed 12 years ago so thats my project for this summer. re-run some of my 3/4 inch mainlines with 1 inch 30p for better vacuum transfer and new tubing for laterals new drops and re-route a few to get less taps per lateral. hopefully make my woods more efficient and get more sap per tap.

but yep looks to be ending just as I feel we are getting ramped up. too bad. I have a lot of ice in the swamp so that might help me but with no freezing nights coming doesn't look good.