This is the start of my final season. I thought that I would be looking for things to do to keep me busy after I retired but have been too busy to stop and rest. I finished tapping today and am doing the little things that need to be done to get ready to boil. The first thing I need to do is fix vacuum leaks. I turned on the vacuum this afternoon and only have 15". It was too late to start looking for leaks so I'll do that as soon as I can tomorrow.

I bought a house in NC this past summer and then went down in October to build a shed. I've made 2 trips down with stuff from the house and basement. We don't have much left here in NH now.

I've got someone interested in my property that wants to keep the sugaring operation going. If he buys it he wants to buy the sugaring equipment too. If he backs out I'll have all of my stuff for sale.

I hope that everyone has a good season.