Tapping my 3 yard trees today. About a week later than last year. Hope everyone has a great and safe season.
Tapping my 3 yard trees today. About a week later than last year. Hope everyone has a great and safe season.
I'm about 200 miles north of you. Middle of February is my normal tapping date. I have added about 40 taps this year to get around 200 total.Best of luck.
We are north of dogpatch about 30 miles. We tapped about 75 late Thursday, most were running. We did another 50 yesterday, which all but a few were running. Heading out to do the last 50 here in a few minutes. I think its going to be a short but busy season, like it was last year. Good luck to you all!
New To Maple in 09'
16' x 24' Sugarhouse
Smoky Lakes Corsair Arch
2' x4' Smoky Lakes Hybrid Drop Flue Pan
200 Taps On Bags
IH 806 Diesel & Allis WD
2 Horses, Black cattle & Yes Chickens
An Aussie Named Mable Sugar
Wife, Kids And A Couple Of Friends To Help!
I have collected about 15 gallons of sap so doing my first boil.
Got 3 Pints of finished syrup. Hope the weather cooperates so I can make some more...
So far no buds on the lone sugar maple in my back yard. Getting about 2 gal per day now. In Batavia.
Finally enough snow melted so I could finish tapping, up to about 400 gal sap so far. Not much today but weather looks good for the rest of the week.
Second boil of the season 3 more pints of syrup. Makes a total of 6 pints for the year. Silver maple buds are swelling, temps are supposed to be in the 60's the next several days.
Starting my last build of the season. Only got 7 gallons off 6taps/3trees for the week. Started strong though, 60 gallons ytd. Last hurrah!
2019 4 taps on concrete block arch, 2 pans 1.5 gal
2021 6 taps on oil drum evap
Things are starting to wind down, sugar has dropped to 1.5%. Still getting decent flow on the tubing , been an ok year so far.