Last year was my first year using gravity lines on the mountain side I own. I tapped around 40 maples. I kept up with the sap, using a small RO system.

One of the discouraging parts for myself was the low sugar content. I was probably getting around .8 - .9% sugar content. Without my RO bucket, I would have been in a mess. Never the less, getting a gallon of syrup from 90-100 gallons of sap is a lot of work for a hobbyist. I suspect the poor sugar content relates to the denseness of the woods and the competition the trees have. I have a couple maple trees in my front yard, and they average around 1.5 - 2% sugar content, but they are pretty much all by themselves.

Anyone else experienced similar sugar content? Should I expect the same sugar content from these trees in my wood each year?
