I plan to have 150 taps on 3/16 which will have 30 feet of fall from the last tap. Previously I collected the sap at the point the slope ended and then pumped it from the storage tank to my ro and evaporator about 500' away over level ground. this year I'd like to run the 3/16 all the way to the ro and evaporator. Question #1 - will that hurt the natural vacuum to have that far of a flat run (it will be 30' from the last tap, but a long distance)? Then I thought I would splice the five 3/16 lines into a 5/16 (maybe two feet long, using the bigger diameter to handle the flow) which flows into the storage tank. Question #2 - any negative impact here on my natural vacuum? Then, I thought I'd put a swing valve on the end of that line and a "t" before the valve running into a homemade vacuum system that will shut off the valve and run vacuum when I can supervise. I'm 70 miles away, and don't want the compressor and vacuum pump running 24/7 in case a critter chews things up before I can get back down to my woods. I'll have a camera on the storage tank to gauge collection. Question #3 - I've always used vacuum gauges at the top of my 5 runs to see how they are pulling. If I put another gauge at the end of each of the five lines before they splice into the short 5/16 line will they accurately measure vacuum when I'm pulling naturally without the pump on? I know they will show the vacuum when the pump is on, but what will they read at the end of the run with no pump pulling sap? I should have paid more attention in physics class in high school! I know that's a lot, but it amazes me how much the people on this site know and are willing to share...thanks in advance!