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Thread: woods walk/ forest management

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Default woods walk/ forest management

    Maple producers of north east ohio will have a woods walk and forestry/timber management seminar september 28, 2019, 9:00am.

    First stop fred ahrens woods. 7904 king rd, ravenna ohio.
    Tubed woods geared for high production/high vacuum .timber was cut last fall. Discussion will be why trees were taken out and what to look for.

    Second stop scott puleo woods. 6520 streeter rd mantua ohio
    tubed woods/sugarhouse geared for high production/re-purposed dairy pump converted to high vacuum. Discussion will be low maintenance set up and buying sap from others

    donuts and coffee at first stop while supplies last
    no reservations needed.
    Questions or directions call fred @ 330-206-1606
    Last edited by fred; 09-11-2019 at 09:49 AM. Reason: date change
    Fred Ahrens
    Richards Ohio Maple Equipment
    Ohio CDL sales rep
    LaPierre Dealer
    H&M maple fabricator Dealer
    Service Tech/repair for all brands and electronics

    don't take life too serious, nobody gets out alive anyways!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    ***event has been changed to september 28 beyond our control. Please note****
    Fred Ahrens
    Richards Ohio Maple Equipment
    Ohio CDL sales rep
    LaPierre Dealer
    H&M maple fabricator Dealer
    Service Tech/repair for all brands and electronics

    don't take life too serious, nobody gets out alive anyways!

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