After our first season, we've been attending/selling our syrup/confections at local farmers markets.

I just wanted to share a few humorous observations that occur no less that 100 times a day at every market.


While looking at our booth loaded with maple filled glass maple leaf bottles, "maple" printed on signs more than 10 times in different areas of our booth, "Oh look, honey!", or "how many hives do you have?", "mmm, I love honey, especially in these beautiful bottles". Not to mention, we're setup right next to a local honey vendor...I wonder if he sells any maple syrup.

Sugar free

No, I'm sorry maple syrup is not sugar free. Oh, you've bought sugar free maple syrup at this market in the past? I wonder what their process is. I'll have to look into some sugar free maple trees.


I'm happy to sell you syrup, but please consult your doctor about adding maple syrup/sugar to your diet, I will not confirm/tell you that diabetics can process maple sugar safely.


"Your prices are too high, I buy my syrup 6 hours away in another state, he calls is B grade and sells it to me to 40/gal"
"Wow, you're prices are very reasonable compared to other local markets"
"your prices are lower than I've seen, is there something wrong with the syrup?"


"Do you make the glass bottles?"
"Do you etch the glass bottles?"
"Oh that too sweet"
"I'm watching my sugar"
"I don't like maple"
"Is that whiskey/bourbon in those tall/skinny bottles" - referring to 500ml etched marasca bottles

And finally, something positive to end on...

(from an eight year old boy trying maple cream for the first time) - "That's like liquid heaven" - That one made my day