I was able to hold to my original plan to start tapping on Saturday the 13th of January (my earliest tapping date ever). Although with the drastic change in weather from 62' on Friday with 3 inches of rain then overnight turning into six inches of snow and about a 60' drop in temp I was not able to get started as early as planned because I had to plow snow.

Anyhow this afternoon after moving snow a little more and waiting for the thermometer to read on the + side I have about 300 taps in. It is what I would call perfect tapping weather about 15' with no wind. They are calling for 40's this coming weekend if you can believe in the forecast. Time will tell however I'm hoping to be somewhat ready (as in pump, tanks, and releaser ready) if it happens otherwise I'll just keep working at tapping.

I'm sure others are tapping just wondering what everyone else is up to.

Best of luck to all!