I can now say that the 2018 sugar'in season is now on.

Took me 2 days to tap the trees. I wanted to make a few changes with a few of the Lat's and add a few trees that I never picked up before.

Today was leak patrol, did not have too many, only about 6 spots that I had to repair. One was a bug hole that was about 1" from the tap. Somehow I did not see that but I sure could hear it.

Sap was running nicely when I left the cabin, releaser was dumping about ever 3 min and I already had over 50 gals in the tank. If it keeps running like that till this evening I may have an almost full tank.

Then once I got home I had to hurry and put the sap tank on the truck for hauling and also get the RO together and rinsed.

SO all told the past 3 days have been very busy and looong.