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Thread: Ice in bags/buckets.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Silver Bay Mn

    Question Ice in bags/buckets.

    I had heard that when you collect your sap and there is a little ice in them. That one should dump it on the around. As it is 100% water. Any truth to this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Da E. U.P. of Michigan. 46.16°N


    Last year I boiled it. This year I throw it away. I did an experiment for myself. I used a hydrometer and checked the sugar content in several 5 gallon buckets, then set them out to freeze over night. I then removed the ice in the morning, the remaining sap was concentrated with a much higher sugar content. I then put the ice in buckets and let melt next to the evaporator, resulting in 0.0 brix, it was all water. I have not boiled ice since. I've been calling this my poor man's R.O.
    New for 2016 Mason 2x4 XL with AUF blower. No more boiling in stainless steam table trays or pots for me.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Sebago, Maine


    Or, leave it and keep your sap cool slowing down bacteria.
    Greene Maple Farm Sebago, Maine
    7 Generations of Maple Syrup

    Phillip View Farm
    Sebago, Maine
    30 Highland Cattle
    2 Alpacas, numerous pigs
    Chickens, lots of chickens

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