View Poll Results: Do you think using spruce as a wood source for evaporating is a good or bad idea?

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  • Yes

    29 85.29%
  • No

    4 11.76%
  • Neutral

    1 2.94%
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Thread: Using Spruce as wood source ( with pics)

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Alcona County, Michigan


    Rules of thumb in case anyone reading doesn't know these. Softwoods (conifers, evergreens) contain less heating value than hardwoods. When they are dry, they burn hot and fast and they gum up stacks (ash mixed with resin) much faster than hardwoods. They also have more irritating and corrosive smoke and they can impart a flavor (that some people really like) to syrup if the smoke gets into the pan. As long as you are prepared for the differences, you can use it as firewood, even inside your house, but that is not advisable because of the higher chimney fire potential. Some hardwoods (birch, aspen, alder) are much like softwoods. Ash wood burns very hot when dry. Other hardwoods, (fruit trees, nut trees, oak, maple, elm) burn cooler and longer, even when dry, and should be split in smaller chunks if a really hot fire is required.
    44° 41′ 3″ N

    2019 -- 44 Red Maples - My home and sugarbush are for sale.
    2018 -- 48 Red Maples, 7 gallons
    2017 -- 84 Red Maples, 1 Sugar Maple, and 1 Silver Maple , 13 gallons
    2016 -- 55 Red Maples, 8 gallons
    2015 -- 15 Red Maples, 6 Birches - 3+ gallons maple syrup
    An awning over my deck is my sugar shack.
    An electrified kitchen sink and an electrified steam table pan are my evaporators.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Fond du Lac, Wisconsin


    Those rules are for a wood stove for heating purpose. An evap. runs much hotter and will have no buildup that could cause a chimney fire. It's like a dragster compared to a Prius.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    May 2006
    New Hartford, N.Y.


    We burned whatever we could get our hands on for years. Hard and soft wood- way more soft than hard, and had no trouble. The 2.5x6 rig boiled well. Then we got a 2.5x10 and burned the same percentages of hard and soft wood. It didn't boil as well as I thought it would. Last year we tried burning more hard wood to see if there was a difference and there was. So this year we probably put up about 75% hardwood and 25% softwood. It seems like the bigger rigs need the extra BTU's that hardwood produces.

    But softwood burns like crazy when its bone dry! Still a good source of heat. As a neighbor used to say, "it's better than rolled up newspapers"!
    2014 Upgrades!: 24x40 sugarhouse & 30"x10' Lapierre welded pans, wood fired w/ forced draft, homemade hood & preheater
    400 taps- half on gravity 5/16, half on gravity 3/16
    Airablo R.O. machine - in the house basement!
    Ford F-350 4x4 sap gatherer
    An assortment of barrels, cage tanks & bulk tanks- with one operational for cooling/holding concentrate
    And a few puzzled neighbors...

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Alcona County, Michigan


    Quote Originally Posted by Super Sapper View Post
    Those rules are for a wood stove for heating purpose. An evap. runs much hotter and will have no buildup that could cause a chimney fire. It's like a dragster compared to a Prius.
    Assuming that your stack isn't too tall and too cold at the top. It's all about the stack temp at the top.
    44° 41′ 3″ N

    2019 -- 44 Red Maples - My home and sugarbush are for sale.
    2018 -- 48 Red Maples, 7 gallons
    2017 -- 84 Red Maples, 1 Sugar Maple, and 1 Silver Maple , 13 gallons
    2016 -- 55 Red Maples, 8 gallons
    2015 -- 15 Red Maples, 6 Birches - 3+ gallons maple syrup
    An awning over my deck is my sugar shack.
    An electrified kitchen sink and an electrified steam table pan are my evaporators.

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