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Thread: Vermont Electric Cooperative Launches New Program

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009
    UVM Proctor Maple Research Center, Underhill Ctr, VT

    Default Vermont Electric Cooperative Launches New Program

    Vermont Electric Cooperative Launches New Program to Reduce Carbon and Reduce Costs in Maple Sugaring Operations

    December 18, 2015.

    Johnson, VT- Vermont Electric Cooperative (VEC) has announced a new incentive program to assist maple sugaring operations to move to a future of lower production costs and lower carbon emissions. VEC, with over 400 maple sugar producers in their service territory, is committed to identifying and assisting members that can benefit from fuel switching and emission reduction opportunities through new technology and customized solutions.

    “The carbon reduction and cost savings potential in the maple sugar industry are truly staggering “ according to Jeff Wright, VEC’s Chief Operating officer. “There is tremendous opportunity to help our members in one of Vermont’s finest traditional industries save money and reduce the amount of carbon going into the environment. We are launching the first step in this new program through a partnership with Dominion Grimm who manufactures the ECOVAP product, and we hope to expand the pilot project in the future to other products and services”.

    The ECOVAP is an electronic maple sugar evaporator that has total recovery of steam energy with no smoke or steam stack. It has very low energy consumption per gallon of syrup with 22 times less consumption of energy than an oil fired evaporator. An ECOVAP in operation at Maple Sugar Mountain in Belvidere VT has only had to use just over one kilowatt of electricity to boil each gallon of sap. The carbon offset from an equivalent propane or oil evaporator is roughly 30 tons of C02 emissions. This is the equivalent of about 80,000 highway miles driven, or taking 7 cars off the road.

    Maple Sugar Mountain owned by David Mann, Roger Mann Jr., and Bill Baker, bought the first ECOVAP in the United States. It was installed and operated during the 2015 maple sugar season. “We were very pleased with the high quality of syrup produced by the electric evaporator, as well as the low cost to operate the unit,” stated David Mann.

    Through this new VEC program, maple sugar producers will be eligible for incentives from VEC when they purchase new electric ECOVAP technology to run or expand their sugaring operation. During the initial pilot project VEC will cover the cost of the electric transformer that would be required to switch to the ECOVAP technology.

    In early 2015, the Vermont Legislature passed legislation that required Vermont utilities to implement Energy Transformation Projects so that utility customers and members would be encouraged to switch to fuels that produce less carbon. VEC is developing projects to meet this requirement that are consistent with the needs of their members in the more rural parts of the state.

    Chuck Ross, Vermont’s Agriculture Secretary appreciates this focus and strategy. “Maple is Vermont’s signature product – we lead the nation in annual syrup production, and high quality maple products are a hallmark of the Vermont brand. Efficiency innovations and our proud tradition of best-in-class maple, are why Vermont continues to be a leader in this industry. ”

    VEC welcomes all maple sugaring operations in their service territory to contact them about the ECOVAP and other fuel switching incentives.

    Contact VEC to discuss: 1-800-832-2667 or 802-635-2331, support@vermontelectric.coop

    # # #

    About Vermont Electric Cooperative: http://www.vermontelectric.coop/ Nationally recognized for innovative and advanced use of technology, Vermont Electric Cooperative (VEC) is the largest locally owned electric distribution utility in Vermont.

    About Dominion & Grimm Inc. http://www.dominiongrimm.ca/ Contact: Beniot Pépin, benoit@dominiongrimm.ca Based out of Montreal, Dominion & Grimm supplies everything that is necessary to produce maple syrup. Dominion & Grimm has been serving maple syrup producers for over 100 years.

    Dr. Tim Perkins
    UVM Proctor Maple Research Ctr

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    I sure wish one of these sugar makers would get on Trader and talk about their electric evaporator.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Westford, Vermont


    Spud, I could get you in contact with David Mann if you wanted to check out their operation. I wanted to visit last year but never got the time. A producer in Westford has installed 15,000+- taps on 3/16 with mechanical vacuum, and has built a sugarhouse with a D&G Ecovap. A rep from Memprotec told me that the largest sugaring operation in Quebec that he knew off boiled off of 2 big Ecovaps. I really like the idea of low emissions and high energy efficiency. Instead of steam coming out of these Ecovaps, cold water comes out. That level of efficiency amazes me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    I would be interested in seeing that operation. Anybody know the price on the electric evaporators?


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Milan Qc


    jan. 2014 canadian prices was $61,000 to $103,000 whit condenser....
    200 Buckets 2015
    14 x 16 Cabane à sucre
    2 x 5 Cantin evaporator

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    That's a lot of money. What's the life expectancy of one of these things? I was told you cannot burn the unit and you can leave it running while your gone (for a short while). Is there any truth to this. Good to see you on the site CBOYER.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Milan Qc


    Comment on Les Sucriers.com from an acériculteur of Chaudière Appalaches Qc.:
    Ça fait deux saisons que nous l'utilisons et nous sommes enchantés!
    Son seul défaut; il est bruyant. Tôle Inox travaille fort pour régler ce problème. C'est tout de même un moteur 50 forces de Busch pour le modèle 225, c'est pas rien!
    Il y a une "Drive" pour convertir le monophasé au triphasé (Identique au pompe vaccuum à sec Busch).
    Très peu coûteux au niveau de l'électricité.
    Service après-vente irréprochable!

    It's been two seasons that we use and we are delighted!
    His only fault; it is noisy. Tole inox ( the fabricator) working hard to solve this problem. This is still a 50hp motor Busch for the model 225, is not nothing!
    There is a "Drive" to convert the single phase to three phase (Same as vaccuum pump dry Busch).
    Very inexpensive in terms of electricity.
    Impeccable after-sales service!
    200 Buckets 2015
    14 x 16 Cabane à sucre
    2 x 5 Cantin evaporator

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2009
    UVM Proctor Maple Research Center, Underhill Ctr, VT


    The Ecovap is certainly a different animal. Very odd to go into a sugarhouse and not see a lot of steam coming out....just a trickle of cool water. They are kind of noisy beasts though, although with all the blowers, pumps, and other things in a modern sugarhouse, that isn't real unusual I suppose.
    Dr. Tim Perkins
    UVM Proctor Maple Research Ctr

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Westford, Vermont


    I've heard that the pan/steam pipes need to be soaked every night and cleaned because they get caked with niter. But that's from one seasons use, maybe a lot of Niter last year. Spud, I will try to get the contact info for that operation. The guy who is installing for us right now also has worked for them. There is something to be said for an evaporator that outputs only syrup and Hot water. From my perspective, there is an incredible level of energy loss in the Sugarhouse and anything to increase energy recovery is pretty neat. Glad that the VEC is helping out with this. I'm looking at this as a possible new evaporator when we build a new Sugarhouse

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    White Mts NH

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