New Hampshire Maple Producers Association, Inc.
3 Hop Kiln Road, Bow, NH 03304
(603) 774-2160

Debbi Cox
NH Agriculture in the Classroom
295 Sheep Davis Road
Concord, NH 03301

January 28, 2016

Dear Debbi,

At the Association's Annual Meeting last Saturday at the NH Farm & Forest Expo, our members voted a donation to Ag in the Classroom of $1,000.00 to honor fellow sugarmaker Hank Peterson. As you and I have discussed, these funds will be earmarked for classes on various aspects of NH maple production. I am confident our members will help staff this program, providing experienced, hands-on resources.

We would also like to be involved in the development of the curriculum. In addition to various props and displays, our members have wide range of expertise, ranging from climatic effects on maple trees and sugarbush management to measuring the density of liquids and molecular separation via reverse osmosis. Varying class complexity will easily span the entire K-12 spectrum.

Our Association looks forward to working with NHAITC in this rewarding partnership.