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Thread: Eastern Ontario 2015

  1. #451
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Eastern Ontario - Inverary


    Quote Originally Posted by Run Forest Run! View Post
    Lesley, what a drag that your last few batches were disposables. It's such a shame since it takes a lot of hard work to turn that sap into syrup. You had a record breaking season regardless of whether you are a newbie or not! 'Unbelievable' would be an understatement! When you said that you were depressed about the season being over I kind of chuckled. You're now one of us. The moment a spile is pulled, the countdown to next year begins. You'll never take a vacation in the spring ever again. You'll only ever make last minute plans to get together with friends - because it depends on how much sap you collected that day. And, your family will write you off for a month. The list goes on.

    Congratulations again on such a stellar first year. I know you'll be back next year.
    Thanks Karen, yes we'll definitely be doing this again next year.. Probably an arch involved! Who knows maybe even a sugar shack..
    Marty, thanks for maple sugar advice! Should let it sit for a bit longer next time.. Still good thought.. I think we are gonna eat the whole stash!
    2 acres of sugar maples. Woodburning arch with small evaporator and propane burners with steamer pans Year 5.

    2015 - 35 taps on 30 trees. 1556 L sap and 44L syrup!
    2016 - 42 taps on 40 trees. 2274 L sap and 64L syrup!
    2017 - 37 taps on 36 trees. 1573 L sap and 47L syrup!
    2018 - 33 taps on 32 trees. 2314 L sap and 53L syrup!
    2019 - 30 taps on 29 trees. 1640L sap and 51 L syrup!
    2020 - 31 taps on 30 trees. 760 L + stopped counting sap and 25 L syrup!

  2. #452
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Lanark, ON


    Quote Originally Posted by can'twaitforabigrun View Post
    Ennis, Have you hit a liter per tap yet? Seems like most producers in Ontario aim for a litre per tap on vacuum systems, whereas those in Vermont aim for 1/2 GPT (1.89 L). Have you heard of anyone in Ontario hitting the 1/2 GPT mark this year or in past seasons?
    We ended up just over 1 L/tap. I know a number of producers near us who were more like 0.75L/tap and some who are over 1. We're not running high vacuum (yet) so just over 1L is a decent number for 20" Hg. Running 27" Hg we'd get 35% more sap - which could push us close to that 1/2 USG/tap mark. It's in the plans I just need to convince the CFO!

    How are things up the Ottawa Valley?
    4,600 Taps on vacuum
    9,400 gallons storage
    3 tower CDL RO
    3.5'x14' Lapierre Force 5
    Twitter & Instagram: @ennismaple

  3. #453
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Pembroke, Ontario


    We gathered close to 1/2gpt yesterday. They finished boiling that up this morning and I'm heading up tomorrow to help clean everything up. Not sure how much we made yet, ill post on here Sunday or Monday.
    Help relatives every year:
    A few hundred taps on 3/16 into 3/4" mainline
    Can't stop thinking maple, more fun, than work.

  4. #454
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Grenville


    Quote Originally Posted by ennismaple View Post
    We ended up just over 1 L/tap. I know a number of producers near us who were more like 0.75L/tap and some who are over 1. We're not running high vacuum (yet) so just over 1L is a decent number for 20" Hg. Running 27" Hg we'd get 35% more sap - which could push us close to that 1/2 USG/tap mark. It's in the plans I just need to convince the CFO!

    How are things up the Ottawa Valley?
    Hey Marty, I got 18.25l approx from my 18-tap homebush - so far, still have to syrup batch #7 - and got 8.25l syup from 6-tap virgin bush, so very happy with results. Pulled taps this morning, sad to see sap tears from the holes but it was time...*sigh*...the west and south spiles esp still wanted to go.
    Been tapping since 2008.
    2018 - 17 taps/7 trees...819l sap, approx 28l syrup
    2019 - 18 taps/8 trees...585l sap, 28l syrup...21:1 ratio
    2020 - 18 taps/8 trees...890.04l sap...gave away about 170l, 30l snafu'd....23l total for me from approx 690l
    2021 - 18 taps/8 trees...395l sap, 12 l syrup
    2022 - 18 taps/8 trees....7 sugars 1 red due to #2 having surgery so had the season off....582l sap, 18.5l syrup
    2023 - 18 taps/8 trees...all sugars again. 807l sap, so far approx 14l syrup

  5. #455
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    eastern ontario- Williamstown


    That was a busy end of the season, ended up making just over 200 gallons. few more days of cleaning up and that will be it for this year! we averaged .8 liters per tap, had some pump issues so I know we missed some sap. All in all a great year!

  6. #456
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Lanark, ON


    The sap was definitely still running on the weekend as we pulled the taps but there was no way you could possibly make syrup out of it! The sap in the tanks was so milky there was a layer of white sludge an inch thick across the bottom. The sap in the RO feed lines had gone ropey and stunk like sour milk. As we washed the lines the snot that was coming into the tanks was gumming up the releaser to the point that sap got sucked back into the moisture trap until the ball got sucked into the vacuum line - causing the regulator to kick in and the moisture trap to drain. I can't imagine how bad it would have smelled and tasted had we boiled it!
    4,600 Taps on vacuum
    9,400 gallons storage
    3 tower CDL RO
    3.5'x14' Lapierre Force 5
    Twitter & Instagram: @ennismaple

  7. #457
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Grenville


    hey all only three more months before the fun begins! Thinking this year will be kinda slow compared to the last two though. Might just tap my 3 best trees and the butternuts across the road, just for fun.
    Been tapping since 2008.
    2018 - 17 taps/7 trees...819l sap, approx 28l syrup
    2019 - 18 taps/8 trees...585l sap, 28l syrup...21:1 ratio
    2020 - 18 taps/8 trees...890.04l sap...gave away about 170l, 30l snafu'd....23l total for me from approx 690l
    2021 - 18 taps/8 trees...395l sap, 12 l syrup
    2022 - 18 taps/8 trees....7 sugars 1 red due to #2 having surgery so had the season off....582l sap, 18.5l syrup
    2023 - 18 taps/8 trees...all sugars again. 807l sap, so far approx 14l syrup

  8. #458
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Leeds County,Ontario,Canada


    Was in the bush yesterday taking down old mainline wires,ironwood trees were pouring out sap when I released the wire from them where it had grown in.Used to say in the spring sugarmaking was done when the ironwoods run!!!!!!!
    7th generation maple producer in sugarhouse built in 1892
    2x World Champion Maple Syrup Producer
    1250 taps on cv adapters
    Leader Vortex 3x14 with Max Flue and Revolution Syrup Pan,Enhanced Steam Away

  9. #459
    Join Date
    Mar 2012


    Okay boys and girls, time to get the drill out on Otty Lake
    Homemade 46 by 26 wood boiler with two polished stainless pans
    Home made sugar shack with Caputo Rooftop
    15 gallon pre-heater tank with a circulating copper pipe stack heater.
    two 45 gallon storage tanks with transfer pumps
    150 taps (buckets)
    Arctic Cat Prowler
    Two big reds with bucket holders to collect the sap

    Good wife to assist me

    Getting sweeter one drop at a time.

  10. #460
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Grenville


    uhmmm just wondering why this thread is live? There is an Eastern Ontario 2023 thread.
    Been tapping since 2008.
    2018 - 17 taps/7 trees...819l sap, approx 28l syrup
    2019 - 18 taps/8 trees...585l sap, 28l syrup...21:1 ratio
    2020 - 18 taps/8 trees...890.04l sap...gave away about 170l, 30l snafu'd....23l total for me from approx 690l
    2021 - 18 taps/8 trees...395l sap, 12 l syrup
    2022 - 18 taps/8 trees....7 sugars 1 red due to #2 having surgery so had the season off....582l sap, 18.5l syrup
    2023 - 18 taps/8 trees...all sugars again. 807l sap, so far approx 14l syrup

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