Was just reading some about Dr. Tim's study and findings regarding cutting off saplings and attaching vacuum, and think I want to try a test plot of saplings. the question I have is could this possibly work with natural vacuum using 3/16 line, with 200 ft of steep slope. I have a bunch of saplings and resprouts from when our bush was logged, before we got it. They are 150-200 ft above my sugarhouse/ tank setup. I'm thinking of removing the tops of maybe 20-25 saplings, string it all together at the top, and a single line with serious drop to a tank. I want to do a separate tank to see results.

a lot of comments regarding this study are negative that I've seen, but also by people who obviously have no knowledge of the industry, or his years of study on sap flow. I cant wait to try it, and if it works I could double my tap count. gotta sell enough syrup to get a vac system.