to all that are interested cdl will be having an open house at sugarbush creek farm on friday may 4th and saturday may 5th. the address is 13034 madison rd. middlefield, ohio 44062 (440)636-5371.
friday evening there will be a general meet and greet with other producers and a "Talk to the experts" session discussing current issues in the maple industry from 4pm to 7pm
saturday there will be:
tubing demo at 10am
hobby ros at 11am
presentation on boiling with different fuels and latest spout studies from canada at 1:30pm
there will be a pellet evaporator as well as a intense o fire boiling.
vaccum pumps and releasers running
hobby ros, hobby evaporators and hobby vaccum pumps.
specials on 5/16 tubing.
lunch served on saturday. much more going on! all day