Closing in on 2gpt for the day. I haven’t tested sugar today but I will tomorrow. At this time the majority of my sugars have swelling buds
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Closing in on 2gpt for the day. I haven’t tested sugar today but I will tomorrow. At this time the majority of my sugars have swelling buds
That's a mind boggling one-day flow per tap to a bucketeer! Wow!
(just realized this was a somewhat dumb thing to say... I've definitely seen 2 gallons per tap before with buckets... but not this year yet... )
It’s actually a fairly young bush with smaller trees. Last night finished at 1.85gpt at 1.1%. It slowed up big time today.
Now 3.8 gallons sap per tap for the season to date. Some potential freezes in the 10 day forecast.
Sap ran a bit last night and should run until 7 pm tonight. My sugar is still only 1.3%. I’m at 10 gpt for the season right now. The weather in my area looks very good for the rest of the month. I’m still hoping we go a week or more in April. Hoping for 70,000-80,000 total gallons for the season. Not much I can do about the low sugar. We still have a lot of time to get a lot of sap.
Spud, I appreciate your optimism! What elevation are you at?
I’m at 900 feet
had some good flows friday through sunday. sugar content dropped a tad to 1.9%. hopefully the freeze today will bump it back up. had a good old fashion march snow storm saturday evening into yesterday. fat, heavy snow!
must have had some good wind because all my tin blew off my wood piles. we've made over half of what we did last year already. looking like another decent week this week and into the weekend.
I turned the pump on at noon today. I’m hoping I will get a 3-4 hour gusher starting at about 2. Every drop counts.
My woods is just starting to freeze up. I got 850 gallons in 7 hours. Sap is only testing at 1.3%. This is not what I hoped for. It appears my sugar is going to be very low for the rest of the season. The neighbors around me are having the same low sugar. I can only hope for a very high gpt this season, to make up for the low sugar.
My bucket operation, mainly tapped on 2/27, now stands at 4.3 gallons sap per tap from mid-morning collection. Spot checking a few buckets just now I'm guessing I'm at or near 5 with what's in the buckets now not yet collected. It's going to be a good freeze tonight and a warm day tomorrow and some good sugaring weather in the 10-day forecast, fingers crossed! My elevation is about 300' I think! You guys have me wondering about my sugar content... I need to break down and get a sap hydrometer anyway to enter the RO world... maybe I'll pick one up.
Sap is running 250 gph and climbing. Sugar is still 1.3%
looking like another disappointing run today. got too cold here last night it think. woke up to 21 degrees... same the day before. this happened to me all last year, which caused a horrible year. next hand full of days are looking a little more promising. fingers crossed!
Now 5.7 gallons sap per tap for the season to date. Goal is 10 gallons (though last year was more like 14). The last 36 hours or so was definitely my biggest run yet at about 1.4 gallons per tap. Would easily be 2 per tap if I were counting only the sugar maples and not the norway maples. Now if the sap could just go ahead and not go bad between now and Friday when I can boil next.... that'd be great... (I think it'll be OK but that's always a stressor, isn't it?)
I got 1.47 gpt since yesterday at 10:00 am. Sap ran all night at 170 gph. House temp is 32 and I know part of my woods froze last night. Should be another big day.
1.5 gpt yesterday but at 1.1%.
Hey Spud,
our season normally ends 2nd week of april. i'm in Derby vt, north Facing at about 1,200 feet. half my bush is in a swampy valley that stays cold. the sap ran very hard for me between 4 and 7 p.m yesterday. sap testing 2.2. had 29 on the thermometer this a.m. Should be a good day today!
Big run yesterday, roughly 2 gpt. My neighbor had one tree fill an old style bucket twice in 24 hours. What is that, 4-5 gpt?!
I got 3000 gallons so far today. Sap still testing 1.3%. I’m not getting rich but I’m having fun 😁. Sap should run all night and tomorrow.
Last 24hours was another 1.25gpt at 1.1%. Sap is getting stinky and cloudy.
I got 2000 gallons today. Tested 1.2%. Should run all night.
From last night to now I got 0.5gpt at 1.0%. I think this might be the end. My next freeze isn’t until Monday. So we shall see either way.
It started to flurry for a few minutes this morning at 5am. Sap ran all night and I have 1100 gallons in the tank. With next weeks five day freeze up we should be good into April. Keep it going.
Hey Guys
So happy to be back on here and visiting. I started this thread many many years ago. And have lost track over the year. Started to read on it here and there this year and I’m so glad it’s still up and going
Sounds like everyone is up and running. With some big differences in the seasons given the areas you all are in.
Good luck to everyone
Looks like after next weeks freeze here we should go another week or so.
Our sap has been running very very strong here where we are. Some very very good sugar to start and now is more back to normal where it runs typically. We have 12 more barrel to fill and we will be at a full crop. I hope it holds on. The 7-8000 gallons runs have really help us out here in early March to late Feb.
Welcome back Parker Maple. Your thread lives on. I remember when you started the thread. I’m glad you’re having a great season.
Sap ran all night and I woke up to 2000 gallons in the tank. Sugar is 1.2% but sap is very clear. Freeze up starts tonight and should recharge the trees.
We too had a good run 1900 + 950 over night
Just boiled in and made around 60
Grade has lightened nicely
Keep it rolling
Saps been running 200 gph most of the day. Should run till midnight.
Hey Parker doe you ever hear from Thad, Randy, Flat Lander or General? Wondering if they’re still part of Maple Trader?
2 Day run of 2.15gpt at 1.0%. Good freeze for the next week or so hopefully recharges the trees for one last big run.
I see Thad last spring. I purchased a sawmill from him.
I haven’t heard from anyone else. Disappeared like I didn’t for a bit I guess 😂
Been following your thread…we all started about the same time 2009 +/-
It’s real good to see some “old familiar faces” on MT.
Sounds like you guys are having a much better season than we did here in Ohio.
All we need now is for Haynes to chime in
Haynes was a funny guy. I’m not sure where he went. Saps still running at 8 pm but I expect it to freeze up real soon. I’m still hoping to go till mid April. Time will tell.
I just looked at the 30 day forecast for my area. After this 5 day cold spell, we still will have 5 more freezing nights all the way to April 5th. If that’s the case, I should get sap to about April 10th before it dies out. How are your guys doing in mid Vermont and lower? Are you done?
Update on my bucket operation over here.
I last collected on Friday 3/15 and had it all boiled at least to a concentrate by Saturday. Sap was quite cloudy. The earlier stuff which I think I collected Wednesday night made good syrup that was on the dark end of the "Amber-Rich" spectrum and the later stuff is ready for kitchen finishing, suspect it'll be "dark robust" if it in fact is good. Last night I visited all buckets and dumped whatever sap was in them (there was some) and swapped out some of the buckets for clean ones, rinsed others, and others looked OK and I kept them in place. We haven't had a freeze in quite a few days. Most buckets are former bakery frosting pails, 5 gallon size. This is all in prep for the coming run I think we'll see this week with several freezes in the forecast.