The primary basis is that it rhymes well and makes for a nice poem "when the wind blows south, the sap flows drougth", which along with the rest of the poem is more for entertainment than anything else.
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Hit 40% of average crop last night (55% of 2014 crop). Looking at the long range forecast, I think we'll be ok.
received new HP pump for new ro
250 psi/601GPH 3 phase 2horse hope to have it hooked up this weekend
Attachment 11409
I disagree doc I've been sugaring over 40 years and have seen great runs with west and north winds I.E. 2013 season almost all north winds that year. and very poor runs with south and east winds although the vac seems to overcome it to some degree. I think it has something to do with the atmospheric pressure I'm not a scientist but I know what I see!
I actually don't think we disagree at all. I've seen good runs from N, E, S, and W, and poor runs from N, E, S, and W. Sap flow has more to do with the branch temperature than anything else. My point was that there isn't any really strong correlation between wind direction and sap flow, which I think is what you are getting at as well. While there might be a small effect, it certainly isn't anything that is terribly strong or that you should hang your hat on.
every once and a while I think I got this whole sap flow vs. weather thing figured out. Then the trees prove me wrong.
upto to approx. 43 gal. another 7 today oh and a couple boiling sodas
Good day for the open house. Started slow but really got busy this afternoon. Hoping for another good day tomorrow with some sun and warmer temps.
Made another 11 gal of amber rich with another 250 gal. to boil tomorrow. My total so far this season is just over 40 gal. Next week is looking good.
Yesterday we had enough sap, and finally got the RO up and running. It's almost a new machine. I took 650g of 2% and turn it into 225 of 7%. Finally got a taste of how to boil concentrate on the evaporator. Everything went really well. Auto draw was putting out syrup apprx every 10 min and all I had to really do if focus on firing and filtering.. Don't know how I ever did this with out the RO before.. Finally the taste test, couldn't tell at all any difference. Very happy. Bring the big sap flows..