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On tuesday I ran approx 1100 gal. at 2.4% through the ro to approx. 250 at about 10.5%. Boiled for less than 3 hours and made over 20 gal. Started at Dark robust with good flavor (likely from first sap from previous run cleaning the lines; I don't dump sap) and ended just on the edge of AR and GD. All good flavor syrup. A good start to the season and it seems the equipment is finally all dialed in, including the new auto draw which is sweet!!
I am trying to sort out a batching issue after I first start boiling. When I shut down I will often flood the pans a bit just to be sure the level doesn't drop too much as the rig cools. There is a lot of thermal mass in the fire brick. When I start boiling the next time I often get a big batch as the syrup pan levels drop and start to pull sap from the flue pan. It's not a huge deal but the level in the pan drops pretty quick as I fully open the draw off valve (or the auto draw does) and I worry about burning the pan. Any thoughts on how to get a more even first draw?