I got 4200 gallons today testing 2.1%. Total syrup made from my sap is 748 Gallons.
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I got 4200 gallons today testing 2.1%. Total syrup made from my sap is 748 Gallons.
Randy---how things holding up??
How are things going with you this year?
Chasing leaks every day. No vacuum on 1 bush, motor burned up, new 1 should be here in a couple days. R.O. is dialed in perfect. 20% first pass and it is keeping up with my rig.
Only about 50 gallons left to boil from the big run tuesday into wednesday, then onto the 300 or so I pulled in yesterday. Up to 70 gallons so far, all golden delicate.
Not the most impressive run yesterday but the clouds and the wind kept things cool I guess. Will be interesting to see what happens the next few days with some rain and no freeze tonight predicted. Could get another 2 day gusher.
Had a minor malfunction with the rig Tuesday. Went to pull the air control for the door and it came completely off. Fortunately I was able to wire tie the armature open to keep boiling with full air. CDL had someone here the next morning and he replaced all the cables for all three controls as there have been a few issues on other rigs.
Hi Brandon--Things are going well for us this year. Vacuum is the highest I've ever had, but the sap won't run. The ground here is frozen real deep, though it is softening. I am at 138 gallons and will make another 20 or so this afternoon. Sap is running pretty good right now---hope to have a lot of sap to boil tomorrow.
another morning at 10 degrees. Supposed to be the same tomorrow. Taking up to noon to get warm enough to get the sap running. Supposed to get temps in the 20s at night for the next week so hopefully things will run a little better. What a tough spring.
Made about 13 gallons so far. Have 385 gallons of sap waiting for the R/O. Hopefully tomorrow will bring in about 200 gallons more. I am looking to see how long 500-600 gallons of sap will take us to process. We did 400 gallons of sap in about 5 hours on Thursday and ended up with about 8 gallons of syrup.
Had a very good day yesterday. sap started running about 10:00am and I got 7000 gallons so far. Sap was still running 200GPH at midnight with a very hard rain. I have not checked it yet this morning and it is now 33 degrees outside. I hope I got a little freeze so the trees will recharge.
I am sorry to hear you are having a lot of troubles. Are the tree rats everywhere in your woods? I hope you get your pump back up and running very soon.
Thanks spud, My brother got the inches back up to 26 at my 4 releasers yesterday. He used 110 connectors. A spot i went through 2 weeks ago. Now i am having alot of trouble with my double releaser. Where the float bar comes up, The glue crapped out. Glued it again but when it dumps and goes to the other side there is so much air pressure going the other way that it will come unglued after a few hours. A year of huge headaches. I will be over 1000 gallons today and that big frigan black cloud is still following me around.