thought it ran as hard as it could yesterday... i was wrong. its running even faster today. my 500 taps are running so hard that it's not allowing the internal pump on my electric releaser to kick off. hopefully the internal pump constantly running isn't an issue cuz i'd hate to miss out on this type of run. never seen it run like this! haven't checked the sugar content but hopefully it's still at 2% as it was yesterday!
I have 3000 gallons so far today. Sap still running 225gph at 8:30pm. I hope to get another 4000 gallons before freeze up tomorrow night.
we ended up with 2.pt. my bush has never produced that in a 24 hour day. between 9a.m and 8 p.m was one heck of a run! sugar at 2%... we made a lot of syrup yesterday. today should be a pretty good day then maybe a day to rest a little! been a productive week so far!
Averaging 1.75 gallons a day at the moment. Got the vacuum up to 27 yesterday morning, yesterday afternoon wind kicked up and knocked it back to 22.
Sap ran a bit last night. This morning at 5 the rain was coming down hard. Now we just got two inches of snow and sap stopped. Supposed to hit 40 and sun by 3pm. We could have a 4-5 hour gusher before it freezes again.
Last 3 days we got 4gpt at 1%. The sap is very cloudy and snotty for a lack of a better term.
our sap was cloudy yesterday too. Testing 1.9% it cleared up come night time when the temps dropped a bit. came home to 3/4 full tanks yesterday and a big poplar blown down across my wet/dry line. that sucked. tomorrow should be a good day up in these parts.
VT Open House this weekend and I'll be out spying on the competition. HaHa.
It should open up pretty good here for us today. Looks like another little run last night before the freeze up. At 10pm it had stopped and I was at 29*. Still at only 31* here at 8am. So pretty good long freeze to reset the trees for a good run today. Sap went a bit cloudy yesterday as I’m sure the warm spell didn’t help the mainlines. But the ice today should scrub them down and clear things up. Sugar dropped way off as well. I feel like the trees are just dumping water now so lots of volume and lighter on the sugar content. But im pretty excited for the nexts weeks weather, 20s and upper 40s with some form of perception snow rain?
April is just around the corner
Yesterday at about 10am the gusher began. Sap ran 450gph all day until about 7pm. Sap is testing 1.2% and cleared up. Forecast is not showing much for sap in the next 5 days or so. I’m hoping for three strong weeks in April.