Thanks Dr. Tim for the info on cold-soaked trees. Very interesting. Received about 1.25gpt at 1.1% over the last few days.
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Thanks Dr. Tim for the info on cold-soaked trees. Very interesting. Received about 1.25gpt at 1.1% over the last few days.
I see the GPT mentioned a lot so I'm going to ask the question. Are you all putting flow meters on your releasers? Guess that leads into the next questions what is everyone using for flow meters on their releasers. Its good data but in my case looking in tanks is just so hard to tell because its being pumped around and judging what's in the tank is at best a guess. My sap spiked up to 2.4 today (yes seems odd to me) actual flows unknown.
I bought a FloMec from FW Webb. About four years ago it was around $375-400. Sap is running at 160 GPH today. I was able to get the vacuum back up to 27.5 inches. Sap is still as clear as water and testing 1.3%.
I just am measuring the depth in my tank and calculating gallons per tap for each run. I made a chart that gives gallons of sap for every inch of depth. Round bottom CDL tank, so the math is fun.
Good run(s) monday through yesterday for me in underhill. Hopefully the ice I left in the tank from last week helps keep the sap good until Saturday.
Also thanks Dr Tim for the perspective on the tapping and bumping theories. No laws against it, and not even an absolute right or wrong. Just data and personal choice. Speaking of that topic, I've sometimes thought that for a bucket operation, which is what I'll have for the foreseeable future, it might make sense to double tap half of the trees one year, and double tap the other half of the trees the opposite year, so that you only have to visit half the trees each year for theoretically the same yield and same sustainability. Perhaps even better sustainability due to less soil compaction. Not sure if I'll ever have reason to test this theory. I have a suspicion that 20th century bucket operations had this in mind when we see old pictures of what appears to be overtapping. They might not have been quite as overtapped as we assume from a picture.
9.5 gallons per tap for the season. Very clear sap. But it must keep until Friday if it is to become good syrup. Fingers crossed!
10 gallons is in sight now!
Woke up to another 2500 gallons in the tank. Sap running 135 gph but should increase in a few hours when the sun comes up. Going for two more weeks.
“I see the GPT mentioned a lot so I'm going to ask the question. Are you all putting flow meters on your releasers? Guess that leads into the next questions what is everyone using for flow meters on their releasers.”
I use the markings on my poly tank to eye ball how much is in there. I do not have a flow meter but have thought about getting one for my pool pump I use as my transfer pump. They are a steep investment that doesn’t add monetary value to production.
got about .8 gpt yesterday. sap still testing 2%. I don't have an R.O.... with some of the sugar content some of you guys are, unfortunately, getting i think i would have thrown in the towel by now! looking like a small freeze here tonight, then good freeze thaw cycles for the next week or so. i have to spend some time after work moving a few more cord of wood into the sugarhouse.