We too had a good run 1900 + 950 over night
Just boiled in and made around 60
Grade has lightened nicely
Keep it rolling
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We too had a good run 1900 + 950 over night
Just boiled in and made around 60
Grade has lightened nicely
Keep it rolling
Saps been running 200 gph most of the day. Should run till midnight.
Hey Parker doe you ever hear from Thad, Randy, Flat Lander or General? Wondering if they’re still part of Maple Trader?
2 Day run of 2.15gpt at 1.0%. Good freeze for the next week or so hopefully recharges the trees for one last big run.
I see Thad last spring. I purchased a sawmill from him.
I haven’t heard from anyone else. Disappeared like I didn’t for a bit I guess 😂
Been following your thread…we all started about the same time 2009 +/-
It’s real good to see some “old familiar faces” on MT.
Sounds like you guys are having a much better season than we did here in Ohio.
All we need now is for Haynes to chime in
Haynes was a funny guy. I’m not sure where he went. Saps still running at 8 pm but I expect it to freeze up real soon. I’m still hoping to go till mid April. Time will tell.
I just looked at the 30 day forecast for my area. After this 5 day cold spell, we still will have 5 more freezing nights all the way to April 5th. If that’s the case, I should get sap to about April 10th before it dies out. How are your guys doing in mid Vermont and lower? Are you done?
Update on my bucket operation over here.
I last collected on Friday 3/15 and had it all boiled at least to a concentrate by Saturday. Sap was quite cloudy. The earlier stuff which I think I collected Wednesday night made good syrup that was on the dark end of the "Amber-Rich" spectrum and the later stuff is ready for kitchen finishing, suspect it'll be "dark robust" if it in fact is good. Last night I visited all buckets and dumped whatever sap was in them (there was some) and swapped out some of the buckets for clean ones, rinsed others, and others looked OK and I kept them in place. We haven't had a freeze in quite a few days. Most buckets are former bakery frosting pails, 5 gallon size. This is all in prep for the coming run I think we'll see this week with several freezes in the forecast.