Most studies relate budbreak and leaf emergence to growing degree days (GDD). Back in 2012, we encountered buddy off-flavor (which is quite rare for us) at the very earliest detectible budbreak (stage V1). However things changed very quickly that year, so it might have been somewhere between V1 and V2. There aren't a lot of good data on sunny/cloudy for many sites, so that kind analysis is probably not going to happen. However sunny windless days will increase the temperature of the twigs/buds for sure.
Buddy is not detectible in the sap, but if you reduce the sap by at least 50% in a pan on the stove you can check the smell and flavor for buddy off-flavor. There is a group in Ontario looking at developing a "litmus paper" type test for buddy off-flavor precursors in sap.
I encourage all Vermont producers to monitor and report to on the conditions of the season. More and better data are very very useful.