Finished taping in today. Man snow is deep in Weston. 4’ in places. But it’s done.
3500 +\~ is what we did. More coming next year. Hoping this week starts us all off to a great season. And that the prices of wholesale go up as well.
Best of luck
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Finished taping in today. Man snow is deep in Weston. 4’ in places. But it’s done.
3500 +\~ is what we did. More coming next year. Hoping this week starts us all off to a great season. And that the prices of wholesale go up as well.
Best of luck
Thanks Joe!! That’s very interesting and good to know. I’m going to be walking all our lines tomorrow and again, knock on wood! I know we have a fox and sometimes her kits in the wood, but we named our operation after her (Foxy Loxy Maple) so maybe she will get protective and the others will stay?
Does tomorrow open the sap flood gates??? Weather forecast looks like it'll be drenched with sap.
Just tested my sap brix and it's 3.75 ish on calibrated spectrometer. RO should get me above 8 easily.
i'm guessing there will be no gusher up in my neck of the woods. barely above freezing here today. upper 40's to lo 50's wednesday through Friday, but also no freezing. probably have a half way decent run followed by a long trickle. sure hope i'm wrong though!
I jump up and down with happiness... I'm getting an average sap above 5.5 brix from a collection of all my trees. YES!!!!
Sorry for my excitement. First real season for me with all my new equipment. It's running great here in Randolph VT right now.
I should mention-I only tap sugar maple. NO red, silver, etc.
Did you toss any ice out or was that straight from the tree? If from the tree, that is excellent sugar content. Yard trees or woods trees?
I would probably check my hydrometer or get a new one, just to be sure, I suppose not impossible but that's quite high. I'll see 4-5 on my one bucket tree but I think some evaporation is involved.
I grabbed 800 gallons that had big ice chunk in it and it tested 2.3.
Well all leaks are pretty well found. Had new bush up to 29" yesterday, and 27.5 on another. One still at 25 so some more critter problems there. And my remote generator site at 18" on dairy pump, no high vac this Year which is kind of sad, but this site may be a thing of the past next year as I focus closer to home.
Things pretty locked up still only about a half gallon per tap. Ground is becoming visible so I think after this warm spell we'll be looking for some bumper runs, until then the trees are a little locked up.
picked .30gpt at dusk yesterday testing 2.2%, good freeze last night here next few days should be epic
@Tim - yes straight from the spile-nothing to do with the buckets at all. Straight up from the spile onto refractometer with atc. Oh... I'm so itching to have enough to boil now. I'll probably ro this afternoon and boil first thing in the morning. One tree was over 7%! It hasn't been tapped ever and probably 100 yrs old or more.