That's about the date when I should hopefully hit 40 gallons or better..
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That's about the date when I should hopefully hit 40 gallons or better..
Oh man here we go again haha
Ask Dr. Tim, I think he knows a fair amount about it. It will probably be his next big test.
No comment.
Just what I thought , top secret.
No helium injection unit here, but I have been taking advantage of the Jan. thaw to finish up some roofing and exterior details on the sugarhouse. Stacks are installed, now on to bricking the rig. My goal is to be ready to tap by Feb. 15 and if I can keep the momentum going it shouldn't be a problem.
Attachment 8384
I'm with you general, no Helium here, yet, maybe when I know what it does.
I have been enjoying this weather too. It has made my life a lot bit better. I drove mainlines into the woods today using my 4 wheeler. No tracks, no groomed trail no chains. I can't recall a year when I was able to drive my wheeler up on my hill in mid Jan. But My back is so greatfull. 8 trips today, 1000' 1 1/4", 1000' 1" and 5000' 3/4. It's easy half a mile each way and the alternative was a snowmobile that doesn't start or a sled. So again, my back is happy. 8 trips in two hours this morning. Now to get it in the air. Time is ticking away. My to do still includes finishing my stack install, insulating and bricking the arch, setting up blowers for steam away and arch, setting up Vac pump. Fix a few spots with down trees and install new mains, run laterals and plumb into existing wet/dry. And much much more.
No problem. We'll see. Hope to be tapped by Last week of Feb.
I'm looking at a Tapping date also of Feb. 15 (Weather permitting) using this weather to get 6 more main lines in with tubing and drops etc.
Hey Randy I look forward to your updates through the season since were quite close to each other
Hope everyone has a good season!