Legends Creek, Farm,
All the advise you have been getting is good. But just be careful what you wish for, you may get it. I too was in your position once. only I owned four trees. I started with milk jugs for buckets. Tapped the four trees in my yard and then proceeded to ask friends and neigbhors permission to tap their trees. I ended up with 56 taps and twelve gal of syrup. I gave it all away.Fast forward 9 years, this year I will have 5400 taps have a sugar house an evaporator that cost more than my house. Four trucks tanks out the bleep. and more equipment than I care to mention. Last year we made 1100 gal of syrup.
Go to your woods and tap a few taps boil a little sap , find out if you like making syrup. If you do after the season is over start planning for next year and beyond. Decide where you want to be in 10 years. then develope a plan to get there. It sound like you could have as many as 1000 taps to 2000 taps depending on the size and density of you trees. If your woods needs thinned do it before you put up any lines. I could go on but the main point is make a plan and then get started. Give away your first years crop that way you will have customers in the future. Be warned if you put out a sign selling syrup not only will you invite customers but goverment over site. By the way There are a number of maple companys out there. Lapierre USA, CDL, Dominion and Grimm, Thor, and Leader. There are also a fair number of custom fabricaters. Good Luck and have fun
If your starting on the cheap and are using plastic bottles... try to use at least something like a 1 gallon or 2 liter containers.
I would find a source for new milk style jugs.
1 gallon, about a buck each, with a cap.
You can get away with using the leader sani-tips as taps for about 15 cents each.
Just take and cut a small X in the side of the container and push it over the fitting.
It does a better job then the open buckets at keeping extra critters and rain out of the containers...lol
You can put a twist of wire on it to hang bucket handles.
The buckets with holes, the collection bags... they all hang from them too.
Next season when you want to expand... they are reusable...