we've been having perfect weather the last week or so for sap production up here in the NEK. sort of wish it was March again... but the sight of green grass and ducks and geese on the pond is rather comforting!
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we've been having perfect weather the last week or so for sap production up here in the NEK. sort of wish it was March again... but the sight of green grass and ducks and geese on the pond is rather comforting!
The sap is still running here from tapholes drilled in early February... but I pulled taps two weeks ago... and I wouldn't want to try to make syrup with the sap. I too wish we had experienced this weather back in March and early April!
What's a sap seller getting paid for % bulk price on "processing grade"?
Last year it was .16 cents a gallon. It appears I shut my pump down a little too soon. My buyer was able to get another 3+ gallons per tap after I shut down. It’s been fun to read how some are still running. I was told Organic price has been set, but I don’t know what the price is. Anyone know? I have been very busy on other projects that have distracted from sugaring.
We shut down today, our buyer is done. Organic price for producers making over 35000 pounds delivering with own drums is 2.28. Processing grade for same producer would be 1.68. Processing would seem to be worth making for larger producers but our buyer picked up at least a few partial loads which seem to have pretty low margins when sap is so weak.
last load went out yesterday as well, flow was pretty incredible. haven't crunched the numbers yet but i do know we had 39 gal of sap per tap, which is crazy. wish it had tested higher!
I'd encourage all Vermont producers to consider contributing information to the Vermont Maple Bulletin https://vermontmaplebulletin.wordpress.com/ a running description/update of each maple season done by Mark Isselhardt of UVM Extension Maple. Just shoot an email to Mark.Isselhardt@uvm.edu to get added to his list of contributors.
Interesting short piece on the local news (from August 2019) my wife just forwarded to me about "Vermont Maid."
Lot of companies like this popped up around this time.
Thanks Dr. Tim. It is always great to see maple history in the news; however, this piece was a little weak with the facts of the Vermont Maid story. One can read a piece on my maple syrup history website that shares a corrected and more detailed version of the history of Vermont Maid. I hope folks enjoy it!
The Beginnings of The Vermont Maid Brand of Blended Syrup
Matt Thomas
Oh for sure Matt....you definitely can't rely on short news pieces for the full (and correct) story. I've come to accept the news as a mixture of information (of varying accuracy) and entertainment. Thanks for sending the link.
I am looking to replace my base stack for my 2x8 setup. I am located in southern Vermont, where is the closest show room for items like this. Any help/info would be appreciated.