Boiled about 2400 gal. of 1.4 sap yesterday and made about 30 gal of DR. Had to boil with a bit deeper level in the syrup pans than usual due to all the niter but made it through without any scorching issues. Syrup is definitely filtering harder which is no surprise with all the yeast. Cleaned out the tank and the over 1 gpt that came in since yesterday am is looking clear.
No freeze here overnight but flow did slow way down. The 8" of snow that fell several days ago and the colder temps really seem to have temporarily reset things but the signs of spring are really showing up. The snow is all gone, daffodils are coming up, birds are showing up and the red maple buds are looking a bit swollen. Another freeze tonight should help.
I still have enough wood for several more boils so I'll keep going until it doesn't make sense any longer. We lost all our day care but fortunately my other job is flexible and I can work from home and my wife can work from home with a flexible schedule.
I hope you get another 2-3 weeks Spud.