We're approaching 2,900, still behind on our goal but heading in right direction. Around 1,500 gph of sap this afternoon.
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Anyone still going?
Still plenty going in the NEK and northern NH. Still getting nice sap with temps in the 20s at night and 40s in the day.
sjdoyon- Looks like your in for a very good season. I have been watching you're weather and it looks very good. Keep it going and keep us posted. I predict you're going to make 5042 gallons. Anyone care to join in? Good luck to you.
4820 gallons!
Woke up this morning to 4 inches of fresh snow. Weather man says more to come tonight. Yesterday the kids and I pulled 4000 spouts. I don't know if I should pull the spouts on my new woods or turn the vacuum back on. This has been a crazy season for sure.
a couple producers by me have been filling their tanks every day since Monday! I had to stop for other reasons then maple, but I'm watching $ signs fly out the door every day... a little depressing! definitely an odd season!
We are headed that way for Maple weekend. Maybe should leave my snow tires on?
we are still going. We got some little freezes earlier this week that kept us alive, the last week and a half have been consistant flow. Hit 5.4lbs/tap yesterday.
yeah... leave the snow tires on for the weekend. I had 3 inches of snow on my lawn this morning at 530! another 3 coming tonight!
was 30 deg and snowing when i left Whitefield NH this afternoon...so folks still at it up north are in luck...
keep on keeping on...
After fourteen days of nice runs, trees shut down last night. Temps down in the low 20s and four inches of snow this morning. Sugarbush was froze fairly hard this morning, temps hovered low 30s all day, no sap. We were able to drain the back pan of the evaporator and clean it out, full of niter after boiling for 15 days straight. Things should start running tomorrow and looks like cool nights all week. If we can make it to 05 May, will be a fairly good year for us.
Stopped at Tommy and Ceciline Brannon and they were still boiling today. Only getting sap from their high altitude bush now.
heading to the open houses via Barre
Shutdown yesterday around noon, sap was still coming in hard and clear but smelled bad.
We did 82,046 gal of sap. 26.9 gal/tap of sap. According to the Cornell sap sellers spreadsheet (which is awesome) this should have yielded:
1588.3 gal of syrup, putting us at 5.73 lbs/tap or .52gal/tap
Got things going again Saturday, still getting nice sap. Making over 200 gallons of syrup each day. Looks like we should be able to keep things going into the weekend. High temps arriving middle of next week which should bring things to an end.
That's great your still going in the NEK, I wonder if anyone is still going in the Pittsburg /Stewertstown area, I know there are a couple of newer operations up there.
Hows your sugar content. We are still going in northern ny at 1700 ft. Sap still clear but only 1.2 sugar. Had our last freeze sat night hope we can make it to the weekend.
Content was 2.2 yesterday morning. Our bush at 2,000 to 2,400' elevation is sending us the nice sap.
Two of the larger producers were all done last week, a couple of small producers with north facing slopes still going.
Good luck.
Should be around 4,500 gallons tomorrow. Yes, temps are rising although if they say 60s, temps will probably be in the 50s on the mountain. Probably will be done this weekend, looking at Sunday hopefully. We were nervous with the start of the season but turning out to be a good year for us. The hard work prior and during the season paid off, thankfully the weather didn't ruin it for us.
Did you finish up for the season? How many gallons did you make? Hope you have a great summer.
Turn off the lights, the party is over.
All done with a final boil today, sap is getting ropey.
We should be around 4,780 gallons. Was hoping for a better year but all vonsidering, we did fairly good.
Best run of the season was a little over 35,000 gallons of sap in 24hrs. Almost over flowed our 8,400 gallon tank a few times. Won't be adding tas this year.
Have a good off season.
Looks like you had a .39 GPT season. I would say thats real good for this season. Have a good summer everyone.
Hey I think I won the pot for closest to his total.....what did I win?????
Well it's a little early for this thread to show up, but I have been kicking around reading other threads and seeing lots of people on lately.
So is everyone ready for this wild ride this season? I have a gut feeling and here's my prediction, lots of sap, once this warm weather spell we are in breaks watch out.
I'm think buy the end of January I will be tapped which will only be apprx 2 weeks earlier then average.
I'm in the process of adding 3-400 taps now, and that's all I can get out of this woods. Should be 100%
So what are your feelings and whatcha been up to.
Parker Maple
Just wondering. Anyone doing any fall sugaring? If so wondering how the season is going?
Anyone getting a itchy trigger finger yet, hope you got the battery's all charged up and ready😀
not even close to being ready
Been real busy this year building our house and it is looking like we will be moving in mid February. No major changes this year. At this point I'm thinking of tapping late Jan. or early Feb. if it looks like we are going to have some thaws in February. This seems likely if the pattern continues. I don't want to miss early sap like in 2012.
I was able to get around the woods and clear limbs and debris off tubing, which I will likely have to do once more before tapping. I have some repairs to do as always and will be shortening some laterals and adding more saddles in a few areas. I'm also replacing a few long runs of 5/16 on a steep slope with 3/16. I'm ready in the sugarhouse so this will be the first season in many that I am not rushing to get stuff done. That feels kind of nice. :)
I sure am glad the weather pattern appears to have changed back to something more like "normal" I was starting to get a little twitchy.
Put a second coat of paint on new arch my son helped me build last week. Ordered new pans from Thor. 3X12 they were welding sight glass ports on back pan last Monday so should be done soon. Old arch is still in place.....
I have been working in the woods for what seams to me forever. New taps added. New mains run to shorten lengths of some lats. That's on one bush here closest to the house. Now I have to focus on the others. The one in Weston Im considering redoing in all 3/16. There's 600 there now but could easily triple that count. But I would want to redo all new mains and re configure the layout as well. Might happen this year or fore sure next year. Order front hood for the brand new leader oil fire rig. Can't wait to put the sap In The new max flue pan. And no more cutting splitting and lugging wood. Flip the switch and on she comes. Best yet when she runs out, call and get more delivered asap.
Also installing new membranes this year from Clayton at mes. Can't wait they should flow a lot more then the last ones did.
Glad to see this cold spell, but like we all no. The weather will do what it will do. So who knows. I herd that a few have been tapping south of me. I'm keeping my eyes on the weather now..
Good luck to all of you, hope your tanks run full of the sweet stuff
getting refab ro back togetherAttachment 12479Attachment 12480Attachment 12480Attachment 12481
Hey Flat; what brand is your feed pump?0
Just checked the accu weather for my area. Starting Sunday the 1/31 37deg then steadily climbing from there for as far as the forecast shows. This could be an early run or the start to the season. I will keep my eyes on it now more closely fore sure. If it looks good I will start taping next week.
I'm likely going to tap next weekend to be ready for any Feb. thaws. Using mostly CV2s this season with smart spouts on new drops.