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We're going to get spoiled. Finished boiling and cleaning up before 10:00. Since this non-stop run started Thursday morning we have had 23,000 gallons. Sap is still coming in at 300gph temp is 34 degrees. Hopefully we will have a freeze. Will have to restart the RO later tonight to make room for more if it doesn't freeze. 35 barrels so far.
It"s 5:42am at my house and the temp is 31 degrees. I hope this will be good enough to allow for a big run today. Yesterday I got about 5000 gallons.
6:15 and its 23° at my house in Therford. I believe that will be enough for a recharge
21 in Barnet :)
Been watching this thread and the weather intently all week, I figure I'm around 60% of a crop right now (selling sap).
It was 28F at my tanks ten minutes ago, things seem frozen pretty hard, really hoping it's enough!
23 degrees here in Lyman NH (about 6 miles east of Barnet VT)! should flow good todday.
frost on windows, made another 20 gal a dark with robust flavor. question for all of you
the new grade kits only have 3 grade jars but you can buy 5 grade labels, some times I have a blond moment
sap was dumping every few minutes yesterday, pump hasnt shut off for 5 days now the RP hasnt either almost 24hr a day the socialist power company is gonig to love me. will do a count but think we closing in on 240 gal.
I've noticed a definite trend, the forecast overnight low has been several degrees higher than my observations.
At 5 AM today I observed 20 degrees F here in the Deep South of Vermont.
Weather channel website had forecast the overnight low to be well above freezing.
Must be they need to tweak their modeling. :)
Up in the NEK, we've also been off on the temps from predictions and had snow flurries most of yesterday with temps around 34 until noon. At least the trees above 2,000ft elevation are starting to run. Made 240 gallons on Friday and 260 yesterday. Next two weeks looks good with temps around 30 most nights and still three feet of snow in most of the sugarbush.
Got home from a show last night at 12:30 and it was right about 32 degrees and sap was still running. This morning at 7 am it was 31 and sap was running lightly. Ice in the sap lifter and sap coming down dry line. Now it is pushing 50 and sap is running hard and ssc is back at 2.1% after going down to 1.8%. Buckets are even dripping. We did not get a hard freeze but it seems it was enough to get the trees dripping.
Running the ro now as two tanks are full as about 700 came in since 2 pm yesterday. Going out for a bit this afternoon so I need the tank space. Will finish ro'ing whatever we get today later and boil this evening. I think we still have several more days here. T0morrow will be warm but cool nights should keep us going.
We didn't freeze hard last night. Some of the puddles were frozen over and the road was firm. Low right around the sugarhouse was around 35 deg F, but we might have had a light freeze in some of the colder pockets of the woods. Sometimes it is far warmer up here on the hill, and all the cold air drains down into the valleys. On the positive side, the sap ran all night and the tanks are 2/3 full with the sap still coming in, so we'll be making a good amount of syrup today. Despite that...we need some cold weather, and the forecast is looking kind of skimpy on that.
Taphole sanitation is really becoming a major factor. For those trees with used spouts, the sap is now 1/2 or less of those with new spouts, and the trees with new drops or CV spouts are doing best. That effect will only get larger with the rest of the season.
When there is frost/freeze still in the ground, it will come up at night and freeze standing water on top of the ground even when the air temps don't get below freezing. I know Dr Tim knows this, but others may not. You may see frozen puddles and think you got a freeze when in reality it was the frost in the ground freezing over the standing water.
Dr. Perkins, what was the lowest temperatures recorded by your smartrek sensors last night?
pulled the plug, enough wood for one more fire. processing now boil tomorrow night for last time this season. were at 248 should pull off 6-8 gallons tomorrow. sugar down to 1.4=58-1. start looking at upgrades for next year. at least get the new ro up and running. thinking about a ray gingrich? ro. from what a lot of people on here say they really like his stuff. his at 5k+ approx and CDL 500 is 13k hummmm. never made any B a dark with robust
Rusty you can't be folding the tent this early with the homemade RO. Only guy I know that makes 50 gals of syrup to a 30 gallon trash barrel full of empty beer cans.
Rusty - Before you drop the cash on a Deer Run consider looking for a used machine. I have been super impressed with the Springtech I bought for not much more than one of Ray's machines. Much better design with higher quality components.
Sap is still running well here thanks to last night's freeze. Just enough to get the trees recharged and bring up the sugar content. Made another 20+ tonight and up to 244. Went to Amber Rich but flirting with Dark Robust.
Best day this season. Made 6 barrels which brings the total to 42. The trees are definitely running out of steam tonight.
40F here this morning and another 400+ gal. since 5:30 pm yesterday. I need to run off to work so I shoveled some snow around my storage tanks so todays sap will stay cold. Red maples are still putting out sap and the closest peeper pond is still frozen. Maybe a freeze Wednesday night? Time to really put the new drops and spouts and cv2s to the test.
This is my first year with plenty of wood and enough time to really see how far I can go.
Lower woods froze here last night (around 550'elevation) and upper woods kept running around 1100'
Forecast has definitely been off for us too. If I freeze up without opening my regulator my pump will cavitate all night, I managed to get myself down to the tank shed around 2am and was glad I did as it was just starting to get loud.
I bought the Airtech 7.5 LR to be big enough for 6k+ but for what we have tapped this year it's project to keep it from cavitating, even with a programable phase drive and regulator, if the woods are tight it will bounce off 29" and make a racket.
I have the same issue with my Airtech. Last season I had to install a T and ball valve in the 1.5" vac line between pump and releaser to give the pump air or it would cavitate and get loud. Mine sounds like it is crackling. I have a hard time running above 27.5" without cavitation, which is where I have been at most of the season. I have not run the pump above 50 hz all season, and turn it down to 42hz when it is frozen. Once I add more mainline and taps it should be less of an issue.
I had a decent run Sunday from 181 taps on gravity tubing and thought the season was ending based on the warm forecast for this week. Frost on the car this morning, my neighbor checked at 10:30 - 25g in the tank and sap is flowing. I'm boiling again tonight! 30g canned so far and more to come. May be a frost Wednesday also.
I have been getting 9-10,000 gallons everyday. Some of my wood froze last night and some did not. It is going to freeze tomorrow and Wednesday night for sure and that will recharge us. Saturday may be another freezing night. I am about 50% of where I want to be. We will be going well into next week for sure.
We are finally getting some nice runs. Making over 250 gallons each day. Hopefully will get into May.
Glad to hear it's finally running well for you "northern" guys. We haven't frozen up for several days now, but the forecast looks a lot better for Tues and Wed, and perhaps Saturday night as well, than it did yesterday. Let's hope that they get it right this time. If so, we'll cruise right through that 0.5 gal syrup/tap mark....otherwise it'll be close.
Sap is still running fairly well despite the hot weather. Sugar content down to about 2%, but still made 110 gallons of syrup today, for an overall of 0.42 gal syrup/tap mark. Grade is Dark/Robust, but the flavor is still quite good with no hint of any defects as yet. Hoping the rain starts early tonite to cool things down some, although I have to admit it was quite nice walking through the woods today with a t-shirt.
Dr. Tim,
How many taps is Proctor running now??
Started to shut down Sunday, the 200 tap lot on vacuum wasn't doing much of anything. So shut that down. Then last nights temp my sugar dropped to less then 1/2%. So I'm going to shut that down in the next day or so if it dosnt freeze again. I still have 600 going but haven't gave any real big runs yet, they are way up in elevation and still 2-3' of snow up there. They are all ways my late runners. And usually produce my best sugar numbers. Made a little over 200g so far was hoping for 250. Figures crossed but dosnt look likely .
The temp. hit almost 70F here today so I rushed to push the 1000gal. of sap I collected between 5:30 pm yesterday and 5:30 pm today thru the ro. It went thru fine though the pre-filters definitely need replacing tomorrow. They were new today. Sugar is down to about 1.6% so I am loving the ro. Made about 17 Gal. of Dark Robust with awesome flavor, so up to 261 for the season to date. No sign of any off flavors or smells and the sap is still coming in.
The forecast looks cooler for the next couple days so storing sap should be easier. I'm going to clean the press and syrup pans in the am in preparation for what will hopefully be a productive several days.
Things look good for you northerners If I am still in the game.
Quite warm in the sugarhouse today. Inside temp reached 81. Made 4 more barrels of medium amber. Looks like the weatherman might give us a bonus Tuesday and/or Wednesday night. Sure would be nice to squeeze out another 10 barrels.
Made another 285 of Dark Robust today. Stopped buying sap today also. Enough sap on hand to make another 250-275 tomorrow. Currently at 4480 for the season. Was hoping to make 20-30 drums of Very Dark. Still have 7000 taps of my own to draw from. We will see if it freezes up again. Sap is cloudy, making awesome flavored syrup.
Who would of thought 3-4 weeks ago it would turn out to be a decent crop. My target for the season was 5000 gallons.
No rest for the weary...
Got my first Dark Robust today.
I had hoped for 30-40 gallons this year, but didn't realize when I built my vacuum system what it would do to me. I am getting buried here in Readsboro! Boiled for 12 hours for the third day straight today. Collected the buckets early today from yesterdays big run while they were cool. I am boiling 350 gallons a day, and have 500 on hand, so I will maybe catch up before the next freeze forecast here. My sap is 46 degrees in one tote from yesterdays run that I have packed in snow. The other is 50 degrees plus, and I will boil that tomorrow first even though it is fresher, as some was coming in warm today. I boiled the sap as it was coming in today at 78 degrees. as well as the bucket sap.
1.4% sap make for a long day on the evaporator.
60 gallons so far, 10X two years ago.
Did I hear someone say R/O?
Things are looking good and I got another 7500 gallons yesterday. Tonight and tomorrow night should freeze so thats going to be good. Looks like 4-5 more freezing nights for next week also. I am hoping I can go till the 25-26th of the month at least. I have a good feeling.
made more than i thought last night. made close to 16 gal with the sweet in the pans and what we boiled i was turning out 125 gph :o on my 2x6 so we only boiled for 3/4 hr start up and shut down with nitrogen injection :confused: makes sap evaporate 3 times faster. total for year approx 262 will know better in a few days once I get all syrup barreled (dont ask) I was making syrup so fast had to empty jugs of everything around house basement and garage, I wasnt ready to make this much syrup.
oh yea the socialist power pigs they actually treated me ok, my power bill from 3-11 to 4-6 was only 140.02 that is HALF of what last years was only difference is NO SMART METER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
watch they probably estimated my usage I get nailed next month:lol:
Last year 130 gal this year 262 I would think ro ran more
Still going strong(ish) here in Westford. Finished barrel 16 last night. Still Golden Delicate. I figured with the temperature being the way it was yesterday the syrup might change over to Medium at least. But we only had a few hundred gallons of concentrate to process and on our 5 x 14 that small amount of concentrate may not have turned to syrup before our boil was over. We took over the operation from an older guy and he would sell more than a barrel of Medium retail every year. Since we are taking over his retail market I am worried about not having enough Medium. But I'm confident it will come. I am just sick of drinking GD all night in the sugarhouse. Need something with a bit more maple character. Looks like a freeze Wednesday night so we have another few days at least. Then pulling taps and ripping out the whole tubing system to make way for a brand new installation.
3,674 tapped this year that go into the production stream. Should be well over 4,000 next year (new section that we prepped this fall/winter) and probably over 5,000 within 4-5 yrs. After that it'll be close to time for somebody else to take the reins up here. When I started here (1996), we had about 1,800 taps and there was very little research on (applied) production issues.
We always have another couple of hundred of taps that we measure sap from, but don't collect. It is unfortunately dumped on the ground, but the value of those is in the research, and there is no good way to collect it that wouldn't take a lot of time, which would mean less research.
Hoping for a good freeze tonite and tomorrow night. Sap is still trickling in, but definitely slowing down.
Sap is still coming in at 1.6%. Will likely go over 1 gpt/24hours again today. Considerably cooler than yesterday. I took the syrup pans off and there was an impressive amount of niter flakes accumulated. I noticed a couple draws last night where the valve opened fully but the syrup flow was not what it should have been. I'm lucky nothing bad happened. They're soaking now with vinegar and I'll put the rig back together this afternoon so I can boil again. Trying not to let the sap sit around for too long.
Red maples seem to be slowing down but they are still giving out sap. We could get a freeze tonight, but tomorrow night seems very likely. It will be interesting to see how this week plays out.
In my little bush in hinesburg things are still running. No buds out yet. 3/16 + a mainline under vacuum is doing a phenomenal job at getting sap out of these trees - I've had over a gallon per tap every single day for 9 days now, and I think I'll pass it again today. (all new tubing, and I'm using check valves on almost all my taps)
All the sugar makers close to me are shutting down, but I found another one at a higher elevation to haul my sap to. My sugar content of the 210 gallons I dropped off this morning was 2.3% (this is good overall, but my peak was 3.0% for a long time and the average for this season overall is now at 2.8%) - I have some frozen 5-gallon poly jugs floating in my tank today to help keep the temps lower (I should have had them floating yesterday, but I didn't think about it until the morning... and it takes a long time for 5 gallons to freeze).
I'm at a low enough elevation that I don't think I'll get a freeze tonight, but there is a good chance I'll get one tomorrow. I'm hoping to keep pushing through until Saturday.