What a run! We got enough of a freeze here to get nearly non-stop sap production right through to yesterday afternoon, which was just long enough to afford a visit from my Dad so the kids could collect some buckets with him.
All and all I've batch boiled down to nearly 15 gallons of syrup in 3 different batches, which needs to be filtered and tested but that is a huge jump in yield for us compared to past years. I also have another 40 gallons of super concentrate I need to decide how to handle, I may just take it as far as I can on the RO and then do one "kettle" batch over propane.
I think the season is done for us more than likely, checking taps today showed some cloudy sap and little yield. It then rained most of the afternoon and does not appear to be freezing anytime in the coming days. Much like the rest of this crazy last year or so, this was sort of a strange season but still enjoyable and exciting to be doing syrup at our new place.
View of my last boil, it was an incredible time to be outside and enjoying this great hobby:
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