Pulled my taps a week ago before the cold spell and have everything cleaned and put away for the year. Finished up boiling last weekend for a total of about 9 gallons of syrup. Not too shabby for having the taps in for 10 days. Pretty crazy to be all done when I’d usually just be starting to pull things out of storage.
Saturday, Feb. 24th....Was a nice week for collecting sap and evaporating. Sap flow was good, not a lot of wind to bother me and the smoke stack until yesterday, and not much mud to slip on in the woods. Actually scared up a grouse. We had three strong days of boiling and got done outside yesterday around noon. This morning we "finished" up inside on the gas stove in the kitchen and arrived at a grand total of 5.25 gallons for the week. Syrup was a nice amber color. Looking at the long range weather, I am thinking that the upcoming week may just be my last week of the season. And now it is time to get back outside and organize fire wood for this next week, empty ash, and overall cleanup. Was a good first week - No surprises.
Hi everyone, well the season is a total bust for me, we decided to not tap at all with this unpredictable weather, 74 degrees today. Was at our land this weekend found greasy soft muddy ground in the valley and dry firm ground up in the bush.I cut more fire wood and put my tanks back inside the sugar house. Saw 4 deer heard robins and red winged blackbirds. No peepers yet, but cant be far off with the warm gusty winds. Friend John found where a huge boulder came down a steep section of the land and took out a 20 inch birch tree,glad that caught it because with the route it was on it could have worked its way down and thru our cabin. Just nuts. I hope those of you who are sugaring will be able to complete your season, God Bless.
Saturday, March 2nd.....Strange week. Good sap flow early in the week, then a shut down, and another good flow towards the end of the week. Had a great early week boil and an all day boil Saturday late into the evening. Serious study of the long range forecast brought on the decision to pull taps on Saturday simply to avoid mud in the woods with rain in the forecast throughout the week. Did I leave some sap out there? Perhaps, but I was beginning to collect ants, moths, and flies as well. Sap was also not as clear. The plan is to boil Sunday afternoon, finish up inside Monday, start clean up Tuesday.
Sunday, March 3rd...Boiled all day Saturday. Everything is out of the woods and limited clean up began in between putting in wood. Some friends stopped over with beverages. A nice discussion was held on why at least one had to limit consumption to prevent pan damage. There was little belief until the challenge was made to go to the "backyard maple syrup maker" facebook page to view burned up pans. Then there was understanding. Boiled late and then kept a slow go through the night. It meant running out and putting wood in every two hours. When it is 45 degrees all through the night it really isn't too bad. Sunday the wind was terrible and though I boil outside I am protected by from the wind for the most part. We finished outside around 5 p.m. and then it was time to watch the Iowa basketball (Clark) from earlier in the day. We finish on the gas stove inside tomorrow morning while it rains outside.
Monday, March 4th...Some rain, some lightning, some showers. Good morning to be inside and finishing up syrup. Started early and completed by noon. 4 plus gallons today for a total of 9.75 gallons of syrup. We are happy with this total considering we watched the first half of the season pass by from a beach in the islands. We had a real nice sugar content over two per cent and even close to 3 at times. There was lots of sand this year and without good filters, well, I don't even want to think how it would have turned out. One last random thought...this might be our last year. A friend is willing to take all of my supplies over to his land and start anew. We are looking forward to taking him under our wing for a year.
SM...I hated to read you were taking this year off but your decision is certainly based on good logic. I was actually having the same debate in my mind a few weeks ago. Glad I did but now face a major cleanup. At least you won't have the "big dirty" to look forward to. I'll be looking forward to hearing about the out west mining results next spring. Also, still waiting to hear from more of the regulars on this thread.
Thanks Irish Ridge, Glad you had a good season. I am still bummed about not sugaring this season but next spring will come, and we all hope for a normal winter- spring. Thanks 0n the gold mining, this will be our first time mining on a permitted claim. My son and I are going to southern California to pick up a new wash plant so looking forward to that trip. We hope to be mining by end of May. God Bless.
Hi guys. Well, I get to have a sugaring season after all. Returned from Arizona on March 1st. Tapped 30 trees in rain and hail yesterday and this morning they are all running fast and clear after a cold night down to 29. I realize I'm creating one big mess for what may only be a 7 day run but to hear the tap, tap, tap (and CF = crazy fast if you don't remember my rating system) makes it all worth it. Help will be arriving later in the week with plan for 2 day boil Sat-Sun. Maybe pull taps early next week if warm up plays out. Buds are barely visible or not at all on my north-facing slope.
Thats all for now. I'll make season finale report early next week. Go Hawkeyes!
Life is good.
Hi everyone, well another syrup season is upon us, spent the last two days getting ready by taking my pails.lids up top also two tanks for sap storage. then cover them with snow.I started with the snowmobile but for lack of enough snow had to switch to the 4 wheeler. had trouble with the snowmobile spinning out on the steep part of my ridge road and spun out in some rocks,then try to turn a snowmobile around with a tow sled behind.Fun that was.Any how got things done including cleaning up the sugar house.Had 5 inches of snow in the woods but was melting away fast.There were tons of deer tracks all over the woods but did not see any, lots of small birds also an eagle in the marsh below us. Irish Ridge our gold mining season was a bust, the fabricator did not get the new wash plant built and we are still waiting, But did get things in place otherwise. including a built from scratch 10 by 50 20.000 gal water settling tank hoping for a season this May. Still not sure our tapping date next weekend March 1-2 ? God Bless
FYI On Monday afternoon when I returned home to Lodi there is a back yard maple that I always do a test tap on well Monday was dry then Tuesday thru Thursday it produced 3/4 of a gallon of sap. Guess its a go for us tapping this weekend.