My 15 taps ran a bit today, but I definitely jumped the gun with them. Will put more in this weekend, feeling good about the season!
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My 15 taps ran a bit today, but I definitely jumped the gun with them. Will put more in this weekend, feeling good about the season!
Hi crzypete,
I have pretty much the same experience on 2/24/2021 as you described, though I only have 10 taps in ( which will be my max this season ). I'm in Dutchess County , south of you. I tapped on the 21rst and was nervous since last 2 seasons I had sap flowing nicely , but this year there was a lag. Yesterday seeing tap running calmed me down. Goog luck to you with this season's output!
Put 70 out on Tuesday afternoon then 80 on Wed. Will ad another 50 when it warms up again.
Got home from work tonight and for the heck of it put in 4 taps. All 4 were dripping at a decent rate, hoping it's good sign. Will put in the other 80 or so taps Saturday morning. Temps look good!
Im going to tap them all today. Hopefully the snow will be easier to walk in than last weekend.
30 taps in, 40 gallons collected - ready for first boil tomorrow!!
Put 50 buckets up today with the kids and the neighbor's kids - had a great time even if it took twice as long as it should have.
Every tree was running full blast by mid-day, I bet the buckets are already overflowing.
Collected 80 gallons this morning and boiled it, trees were dripping pretty early but slow. Hopefully we get a freeze tonight
Frigid temps and crazy winds overnight here in the Saratoga region, gusts over 60 mph. As soon as it's in the double digits again, I will head into the bush to make sure I still have buckets on the trees.
They were all full last night when I checked them but decided to leave the sap to help weigh them down.
Did some bucket collection tonight and had some taps come out of the trees, but no nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Low 40's tomorrow but not sure how much it will run, hoping for the best though as the temps into the weekend after Wednesday don't look ideal.