Parker, What kind of pump do you have?
I had a Rotary Vane pump last year. Traditionally pulled 18-20" and at beginning of season would only go to 12". I had a broken vane. Replaced them and I was back up to higher Vac.
If not the Vac. With such a large Vacuum loss, you are talking something more than little leaks. It must be a Main line pulled apart, or a valve at the end of a mainline left open. That is my guess. Little leaks will get you inches, when you are talking about 13" down, it must be main lines.
My guess anyway. Maybe an end of Main line plug was pushed out? Walk them each. Some thing I learned from Main line problems is they are hard to hear. You literately have to step on them to find them sometimes. Little leaks whistle, big ones don't as much.
Good luck.