Here in the deep south of VT, I went out and tapped 60 yesterday (Thursday) hoping to get some test sap for my fresh built arch. Nothing much flowing at all. I will go out today and tap another 60. High of 42 yesterday, not even that today. Right now my power is out from ice storm since 7am. Fired up the generator.
Maybe tomorrow I will get a few gallons of test sap.
I am at 2000', and 2-4 ft of snow up the mountain side here. Thank goodness I got my new snowshoes. I did not think of it until I read a post. Last year I didn't tap until March 23rd, and hauled buckets down the hill, and across 3 streams. This year I got tubing in. No hernia operations this year!
Got my own weather station I can check online when I am got to see how things are.
Not really ready anyway. I will have to use last years steam pans on my arch until I receive my Hybrid Pan from Smoky Lake. He says he "hopes" to ship late next week. I never planned to start until March anyway.
Well got to go tap.....
It never hit 41 degrees like they said it would but the sap did trickle in throughout the day. I have about 3000 gallons in the tank. Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny and 43 so maybe It will run a little better. How did everyone else do?
60 taps in jericho and 240 in westford, only about 10 gallons from my 60 taps in jericho, didnt even check my westford tank today. 40 degrees and 30 mph winds in jericho today
I gave up today, and never did tap any more, as it only topped out at 33. The trees are still covered with ice, and I could here occasional cracking and crashing in the forest around me.
Day 3 after tapping 60 it reached 38 at 1pm, 42 and dropping at 4pm, and a slow drip from mainline into tank.
membranes landed, high pressure hoses landed finish ro today so when Randy calls me up and tell me to come get his sap i can process it and boil. finish lines in the woods tomorrow will be ready to tap next week.
My test buckets ran a bit yesterday but the nuking downslope winds we had blew the covers off and then the torrential rains threw off my measurements so I am starting over today. Will likely run a bit today but back into the freezer starting tonight.
Thank You Randy for the 500+ gal of sap at .10 a gal, the dog and pony show will start at FLS tomorrow around 2 or 3 PM if any one wants to come by and witness a miracle.
Putting finishing touches on RO will fill bulk tank with plenty of well water and off we go.
I got 6300 gallons of sap today. Vacuum running 27 in the woods and I am ready for more tomorrow.
picked up 450 gal today started RO, 2% one pass come out 4.5 at 245psi, 1.25 con, 2 permeate
I was able to get 8450 Gallons of sap this weekend. I shut the pump down tonight. Looks like it will be a week or better before we see anymore sap.