View Full Version : Cushman Trackster

04-18-2005, 08:24 PM
Has anyone used a trackster to gather sap? I bought one this weekend real cheap and was hoping to gather sap with it. I have a nice grove of maples about 1/4 mile in the woods that I have never tapped because I could not get to them in the spring. The wood road either has spots with too much snow for the four wheeler or not enough for my alpine(twin track snowmobile) So Im hoping the trackster will do it for me. Any suggestions would be great E.I should I build a skid or rig up a barrel on the machine. Thanks Jeff

04-26-2005, 02:25 PM
Jeff....We have Bombi's at work the guys use for running the phone right of ways. They have a rear deck or platform on them for hauling reels and other equipment. We have had to go out several times do to overloaded and upright these critters. :? If the Cushman does not have a platform i would recomend a sled :idea: or some form of cart. A barrel on the back or front might not seem like much, but weight and sloshing can change the center of gravity real quick and make for unexpected wheelies 8O and/or rollovers. Spoils the fun real quick , not to mention sap lost. :cry:
