View Full Version : VT wind damage?

steve J
12-03-2010, 06:53 AM
Well I am headed to camp this afternoon for Muzzleloader season but after seeing the news last night with all the tree damage in Vermont from high winds Wed I may be spending more time fixing sap lines then hunting? Lot warmer to fix now then in January.

12-03-2010, 09:30 AM
In the middlebury area we had damage, Lost a couple of really nice maples uprooted :cry: some weaker trees broke off and some dead ones came over
fell on a couple of main lines lots of small branches came down too
Got about half off damage fixed will get the rest done soon I dont like to find my lines buried under snow tapping time
had really bad wind damage in late may as well I hope the wind will calm down for a while although expect a couple of nor-easters this winter

steve J
12-03-2010, 12:59 PM
Well i am head up to camp now sometimes i get protection as I am cort of it a bowl up there but other times I get nailed bad. I agree I rather fix it now then in January and I have gotten the deer of my life already this year so I am not real hard pressed to have to get another one

Randy Brutkoski
12-03-2010, 04:49 PM
My bush across the road from my house got nailed with wind wednsday. Hundreds of trees down on the whole hillside. The road across from my house still doesnt have power. There are about ten houses on that road. I didnt see any trees down in my big sugarbush though, thank god...I think my chainsaw is going to get tired.

12-03-2010, 10:37 PM
I had more them enough blow downs this summer. We sawed out thirty five logs mostly ash but some maple and had that mostly squared away when this last wind hit. I will not have to cut a standing tree for firewood or sugar wood for the next three years and then much will go to waste. I lost at least a dozen good taps. I do need to get in there and get it cleaned up around the lines before the snow buries them.

12-04-2010, 03:41 PM
We got it pretty bad in lincoln, mostly ash and cherry down. just as well but makes allot of work. The woods look like a pile of pick-up sticks!

farmall h
12-04-2010, 07:02 PM
Took a 4-wheeler ride with the dog yesterday and found 2 trees with the tops snapped off by the wind. Looks as though these trees were damaged for quite a while....a good strong wind like the other day took care of business.:(