View Full Version : grade A light = less calories!!??

red maples
11-29-2010, 07:32 PM
Didn't know where to put this one so here it is. Little funny story.

So I had a friend stop by to pick up some eggs today had them at the house instead of the farm stand because I didn't want them to freeze out there. So I asked him if he wanted any syrup and he called his wife, who is nice but is a bit of a demanding woman that knows just about everything about everything, and she said sure get some light syrup I said I only have med, dark and B. He relayed the message to her and she said no I only get light because it has less calories and he said bye and hung up. I told him they are all the same we use the same nutrional guide for each one. He said'"I know but you try to tell her that!!!" And with that he said see ya with a laugh and went on his way.

11-29-2010, 07:37 PM
Now thats my kind of diet!!:lol:

11-30-2010, 07:47 PM
This has made me chuckle just about all day long.

11-30-2010, 08:06 PM
And don't forget, darker syrup is always thicker, too. NOT.

11-30-2010, 08:39 PM
And don't forget, darker syrup is always thicker, too. NOT.

You guys are taking away ALL my best marketing concepts. :lol:

11-30-2010, 08:52 PM
Guys, might be funny but you have to admit that the light does taste like it has less sugar content.

11-30-2010, 09:45 PM
Guys it sounds funny till you get customers that believe both "facts" because another sugarhouse (or at a backyard sugarmaker or someone who thinks they made syrup at sometime in the past) told them that light syrup has less sugar and fewer calories and dark syrup is darker because it is boiled longer and is thicker and sweeter. Try to politely correct them with a sugarhouse packed with people, and don't forget they are they are going to be the loudest most obnoixous visitor all year. So now you have 30+ people who have now heard her "gospell" on the subject. After 2 minutes she now believes she should be running Proctor Maple Research Center being the expert that she has proclaimed herself to be. Thankfully her kid was fussing about wanting another ice cream and off they went!

The scary part is there is a sugarhouse that is telling people just that info. I am really hoping it is just a volunteer helping out somewhere on Maple Sunday.

red maples
12-01-2010, 06:48 AM
OOOff thats a tough one. you don't wanna loose a customer.

I think what I am gonna do is try to come up with a "Maple Myths" list and try to think of as many as I can. maybe I will post it on here. yes thats what I will do and see how many whoppers people have heard!!! then Type it up all nice laminate it and post it in the sugarhouse!!!

12-04-2010, 09:57 PM
Red Maples - that's a great idea! A list of whoppers would be fun to read and useful for setting the record straight.

12-04-2010, 11:33 PM
I think what I am gonna do is try to come up with a "Maple Myths" list and try to think of as many as I can.
All maple syrup is organic.

12-06-2010, 06:58 AM
"I don't want the light syrup, it's too refined"

12-06-2010, 07:14 AM
Didn't know where to put this one so here it is. Little funny story.

So I had a friend stop by to pick up some eggs today had them at the house instead of the farm stand because I didn't want them to freeze out there. So I asked him if he wanted any syrup and he called his wife, who is nice but is a bit of a demanding woman that knows just about everything about everything, and she said sure get some light syrup I said I only have med, dark and B. He relayed the message to her and she said no I only get light because it has less calories and he said bye and hung up. I told him they are all the same we use the same nutrional guide for each one. He said'"I know but you try to tell her that!!!" And with that he said see ya with a laugh and went on his way.

Well -- That is so silly - it must be true. As her husband knows - you can't argue with stupid - just laugh. You could float a syrup hydrometer in both to show her and she still wouldn't believe you. Oh well - "The customer is always right" ----if they are buying........

12-06-2010, 07:45 AM
.... As her husband knows - you can't argue with stupid - just laugh.....

As my daughter says, "smile and nod." :)