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11-25-2010, 03:05 PM
Just wondering if anybody has made aluminum pans besides me. I'm made 5 altogether, 2 4x5s for me and 3 2x4s for customers. No problems with any of them. All but 1 had dividers. I recently a acquired a pressbrake and will be making/trying a flue pan soon.

Bucket Head
11-25-2010, 10:54 PM
The first time I boiled sap in the backyard as a youngster I used a large aluminum frying pan. I was real proud of the rip roaring fire I built and the rigorous boil that was happening in that pan. Then the rip roaring fire melted the handles off the pan. Mom was'nt very happy.

I would'nt reccomend aluminum, but if your going to use it, don't let the sap get low. I know of some folks who burned their soldered stainless pans and got them resoldered. There won't be any chance of "rebuilding" the aluminum ones.

Can your brake bend thin stainless? Just be carefull with the aluminum.


11-26-2010, 05:17 AM
Several years ago -- I had a large aluminum pot that I used for finishing my syrup. In the process of cleaning up my gear - I placed a felt filter in the aluminum pot and set up on a shelf - with the intention of cleaning both after I got some other chores done. The next year - when getting ready to go again - got the pot down to discover the dirty syrup filter reacted with the aluminum and ate a hole through the pot....my fault - but I now am more careful using aluminum --- Mike

11-26-2010, 07:27 AM
I used aluminum pans for a few years, But I was boiling on an old propane stove. I would be a little nervouse about using aluminum pans on a wood fired arch.

11-26-2010, 04:56 PM
Well... ummmm... errr... aluminum is a great conductor of heat - but it also melts easier than expected. :rolleyes:

maple flats
11-26-2010, 06:47 PM
I have read that Aluminum has been implied as linked to alshiemers, if I remember correctly.

11-26-2010, 07:15 PM
I have read that Aluminum has been implied as linked to Alzheimer's, if I remember correctly.

This has come up several times now. 20 years ago or more a study was done on Alzheimer's and it was determined that Alzheimer's could only be definitely diagnosed from a post mortem study. Those studies found a higher than normal level of aluminum salts in the brain in Alzheimer's patients but it was never determined where that aluminum came from. It could be food contact with aluminum or it could be a naturally occurring situation or perhaps something else. To this day and to the best of my knowledge those studies have never been expounded upon but I have also been out of the loop on phyco-research for the past 5 years as well so things may have changed.

Haynes Forest Products
11-26-2010, 09:27 PM
Bryan 5 years ago when you got out of the loop on Phyco-research my wife was just getting started...................AND she hasnt let up and it aint getting any better:confused::emb::cry::o

11-27-2010, 05:40 AM
So Haynes -- I think You are on to something. All the women in my life - especially my wife of 50+ years - who disagree with my way of thinking - not - because they are female and mean and contrary. It is because they have to much Aluminum in their systems and can't help their behavior. Wow - what a relief - for about the last ten years I have been plagued by the thought that I might have some minor defect. Now I know it is too much Aluminum in the female immune system. Again Thanks -- Mike

12-05-2010, 05:09 PM
Just remember - we all married the same woman, we just live in different houses!:lol:

Haynes Forest Products
12-05-2010, 10:06 PM
Boarsnest.................mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmI think your on to something My first and second wife married a guy name Charley and they live just a stones throw away:o She must have picked him so she wouldnt say the wrong name in the heat of the moment:lol: