View Full Version : Suggestions on a maple link list name

11-20-2010, 10:06 AM
I used to develop and manage many different community based web sites in a past life and as a result of that I have many different types of scripts and programming for things like message boards, photo gallerys, classifieds, personals, etc. One of the scripts I have a license for is a link directory and I was thinking of throwing it back online this winter as a bit of a hobby to create a maple syrup directory. I would be looking at listing sugarbushes, suppliers, and resources... that type of thing. I know most Provincial and State maple associations have a link list but only for their jurisdiction and only for members of their association. The question I have is what domain name should I use. I though of Sugarbush.com but it's already taken by a ski resort and as an add-on to MapleTrader I though of MapleLinks... but to me that sounds like sausages. Suggestions for a maple syrup link list name?

The reason I've posted to the Canadian forum is because I would likely start with Canadian links to keep things manageable while starting up then expand to US links once the bugs are worked out. Because of that I would prefer a .com domain name rather than a .ca. Any ideas are welcomed.

- Bryan Ex

11-20-2010, 05:42 PM
How about something like maple.com, maplebush.com.

Just suggestions..

11-20-2010, 06:04 PM
How about Unitedmaple.com - As it includes Maple Syrup Makers from two Countries........ Mike

11-20-2010, 06:43 PM
How about something like maple.com, maplebush.com.
There's no web site there but someone owns maple.com and I think maplebush sounds more like an actual maple operation rather than a directory but keep the suggestions coming because I'll know it as soon as I see it.

How about Unitedmaple.com - As it includes Maple Syrup Makers from two Countries........ Mike
I like the way you are thinking Mike but again, I think unitedmaple sounds more like a sugarbush than a directory or link list.

I also checked mapledirectory.com which is owned but for sale... for a cool $1400. :o

Keep throwing ideas out there because they are all good, we just need to find the "good-est". If you were a customer and wanted to look up were the closest sugarbush is... what would that web site be called? Maplelinks.com works, it's short and easy to spell, but I can't get the sausage idea out of my head.

11-20-2010, 07:07 PM
What about Mapleinfo.com

11-20-2010, 07:16 PM
What about Mapleinfo.com

Mapleinfo and mapleguide are both taken but those are the kinds of names I'm looking for. Another option is to use .net or .org but I'd prefer to have a .com as it's what most people try first (even though they are much harder to get these days).

11-21-2010, 03:43 AM
How about a .info, Like maplelink.info

11-21-2010, 12:31 PM
How about a .info, Like maplelink.info
Using a different TLD (top level domain) certainly opens up the availability of site names but from a web site point of few .info .net .biz .ca .org are not nearly as recognized as .com which is also why they have become so difficult to get. It's also important to avoid using hyphens or numbers in the name for best results.

So far I have found available;

-short and easily to spell but can mean various things

-a little longer, better description, but implies there are some type of reviews or articles which I don't really want to get into.

-best description but longer name still and more subjective to typos.

Thad Blaisdell
11-22-2010, 02:57 AM

short sweet and to the point.

11-22-2010, 04:44 PM

short sweet and to the point.

Short & sweet is what works best on the net for sure. maplebiz.com is available but... the first thing that popped into my head was a maple supply distributor (not that my head is anything special...lol).

I just checked SugarbushLinks.com and it's also available. It's a little longer name but with a good description of what the web site would be about and easy to spell correctly.

As a second part to this thread, for those of you with web sites for your maple business, where have you found online to link to your site? That's part of what got me thinking about all this, the lack of places to market online for maple syrup. State & Provincial associations usually have a list and there may be some government run "local ag" marketing sites as well. If you have a maple web site and are actively marketing online what sources have you found?

Please keep the suggestions coming or post feed back on any of the names already mentioned.


- Bryan

11-23-2010, 02:58 PM
Buy local syrup.com maple encycolpedia maple source

11-23-2010, 04:36 PM
maple source
Perfect! ... and I would have purchased it right now except it's already owned - by Bascoms. :lol:

Really appreciate ALL the suggestions from everyone and it really does help get the perfect name figured out. It's almost like playing word association with a "is it available" component added in.

wanting to get into it
11-23-2010, 10:51 PM
Can am maple

Canadian and American Maple Guide

11-26-2010, 05:45 PM
I've just registered www.Sugarbush.info for my link list directory. It's not necessarily a done deal if another "better" name comes along until the site is officially launched in the spring so keep any suggestions coming. It will take a day or two for the domain name to resolve (for the Internet to know about the new web site) plus playing around with designs and logistics over the winter so we have lots of time yet. For 9 bucks to buy a domain name I figured I'd just buy them as I feel they may work. My preference is still by far for a .com domain name but the pickins are slim unless you go with a long or hyphenated name - neither of which is good for web traffic.

Given the interest in this idea from both Canadian and US sugarmakers I think I will continue this thread in one of the general forums. As the directory develops I will be wanting more feedback and suggestions like how to organize the categories, etc.

Thanks to everyone that tossed out ideas and if you think of any others while out running new lines or splitting wood just let me know.